Index > Sentimental
Eternity 31.05.2019

Tfw you use Lugia's song but don't feature it in the video.
Made this for the r/Pokemon discord channel's Pokemon video editing contest and I obviously wanted to make a music video for it LOL.
This AMV is a mess because I tried to fit two legends from the Pokemon series into one cause one was too short and two were too long for the song. Plus I tried to kind of relate them to one another cause I found them quite similar in some ways.
Made within a few days. Focused a lot on the atmosphere of the song over anything else.
Pokemon History this AMV is based on.
"A terribly long time ago…"
"There was a man and a Pokémon. He loved that Pokémon very much."
"A war began."
"The man's beloved Pokémon took part in the war."
"Several years passed."
"He was given a tiny box."
"The man wanted to bring the Pokémon back. No matter what it took."
"The man built a machine to give it life."
"He brought his beloved Pokémon back."
"The man had suffered too much. His rage had not subsided."
"He could not forgive the world that had hurt the Pokémon he loved."
"He turned the machine into the ultimate weapon."
"The man became a bringer of destruction that ended the war."
"The Pokémon that was given life must have known…"
"That the lives of many Pokémon were taken to restore its life."
"The resurrected Pokémon left the man."

Once the man's torment has disappeared his beloved Pokemon returns to him once again.
Ho-Oh has a mythical power to resurrect the dead.
It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised an eternal happiness. Ho-Oh used to perch at the top of the Bell Tower until the Brass Tower was destroyed by fire. It now presumably flies through the world's skies in search of a Trainer with a pure heart.
Three unnamed Pokémon perished in the fire of the Brass Tower; Ho-Oh returned briefly to revive them after the fire had been put out. These Pokémon, the Legendary beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, were destined to speed across the land since their revival.

Аниме: Pokemon
Музыка: Ralph Schuckett, John Loeffler - The Legend Comes to Life


Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.253.25
Author: Lucariochu

Nightfall 30.05.2019

After "Infrastructure" I am here again with another Hosoda movie (Yeah I am a big fan) Mirai no mirai.
The movie talks about A young boy who walks into a magical garden which enables him to travel through time and meet his relatives from different eras. Hope you like it

Аниме: Mirai no mirai
Музыка: Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved


Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: davide_hxc

Umi no Yuurei 29.05.2019

Музыкальный клип на песню Yonezu Kenshi "Umi no Yuurei", и заодно промо новой полнометражки от Studio 4°C: Kaijuu no Kodomo ("Дети моря"). Фильм выходит в японский прокат 7 июня 2019 года.

Аниме: Kaijuu no Kodomo
Музыка: Yonezu Kenshi - Umi no Yuurei

Umi no Yuurei

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.563.56
Author: Ayumu Watanabe

From the Flames 21.05.2019

Комментарий автора: I really wanted to make an AMV to work on my sync. I liked how both this song and anime switched between various styles on a dime and thought they would go well together. I hope you like it!

Аниме: Flip Flappers
Музыка: Icon For Hire - Invincible
Награды: Anime Boston 2018 - Best Action, Anime North 2018 - Best Cinematography, Anime Detour 2018 - Best Action

From the Flames

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.513.51
Author: SuperEltanin

The beautiful sadness 12.05.2019

Очень долго планировал сделать на этот трек что нибудь, но никак не мог найти/вспомнить подходящий исходник. Вот на днях посмотрел я "твое имя" и понял, что некоторые кадры у меня довольно неплохо ассоциируются именно с одной из моих любимых песен. Прикинул в голове пару кадров, открыл веган и начал просто лениво набрасывать каркас. Понял, что текст музыки подталкивает меня на еще одной альстори, что я в итоге и сделал. Хоть сам сюжет предельно прост, я все же советую следить за ним во время просмотра больше при помощи лирики, а не при помощи самих кадров (так как это больше сборка определенных образов и происшествий разбросанных по таймлайну практически в беспорядке[за исключением последней части клипа] и если пытаться как то соединить их воедино, то будет уж очень много не стыковок и дыр).
Ну как говорится, буду рад, если клип кому то действительно понравится и придется по душе (так же буду рад, если
кто нибудь словит расслабон, так как это одна из главных его задач). Всем приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Kimi no Na wa
Музыка: The End Of The World - Skeeter Davis

The beautiful sadness

Comments: 37 |  Rating: 3.353.35
Author: SteRD

Lovely Drama 11.05.2019

Hi! Here's my entry and my second attempt to create a video for Big Contest!
The story is about Araragi, a guy who can't forget her dead girlfriend, Hanekawa. She appears in front of Araragi until he accepts her death.

Аниме: Kizumonogatari, Bakemonogatari
Музыка: Jaymes Young - Come Back for Me

Lovely Drama

Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.643.64
Author: ybStar

Unrest 06.05.2019

-Опять радиохед?
-Ну хорошие песни же, хорошие...
-Где сюжет?
-Не ну я пытался, я так вижу вообще-то, я...
-Что с припевами, что с концовкой?
-Ну вдохновения не хватило, там и время тихонько закончилось, ну с каждым бывает...
-Ты зачем исходник разгонял, зачем пльюещь на кропотливую работу аниматора?!!
-Ну так многие делают так-то, и я не только разгонял, я ещё и...
-Тут все коту под хвост! Столько времени! Столько сил!
-Прикинь, меня мама в детстве котом называла, получается что...

finally wrapped this up. esketit
pls watch le Big Size version muchas grassyass
buy leo merch yes

Картинка Making Of (~1.11 MB)

Аниме: Your Name, Garden of Words, Genius Party Beyond
Музыка: Radiohead - Burn The Witch


Comments: 36 |  Rating: 3.503.50
Author: rgb

DreamFall 03.05.2019

I finally finished the works before the deadline.
Although I deleted a lot of the desired results for this purpose.
The general framework is like this.
What I want to describe is such a story, dreamfall in the winter.
Next, I will perfect my work.
Thank you all, if you can have a few comments and suggestions, it would be best.(xD
I use Google Translate to convert the description from Chinese to Chinese, thanks to Google Translate. xD

Аниме: 5 cm per second, Owarimonogatari, Your Name, March Comes in Like a Lion, Sarazanmai, Boku dake hainai no machi
Музыка: Sia - California Dreamin'


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.323.32
Author: Loops

Spring Herald - 春天的信使 01.05.2019

Комментарий автора: My first film made at Calarts!
Watch other films made by my classmates: 2019 CalArts Character Animation Student Films.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Original music by Roy Berardo

Spring Herald - 春天的信使

Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.883.88
Author: Curie Lu

Rain 30.04.2019

Всем привет, решил сделать AMV на аниме "Сад изящных слов" / (Kotonoha no Niwa). В качестве музыки использован музыкальный трек "Макsим - Дождь". AMV основанное на сюжетной арке и фактически является трибьютом.

Аниме: The Garden of Words
Музыка: Макsим - Дождь


Comments: 11 |  Rating: 2.262.26
Author: Strannick610

Tiny Constellation 26.04.2019

Примечание: Файл содержит дополнительную аудио-дорожку с русским кавером Amaya Kagami

Комментарий автора: Stars visible from Earth can be categorized based on the level of their brightness. This categorization is called "apparent magnitude" (m). Sixth magnitude stars are the dimmest stars still observable by naked eyes.

"I'm such a tiny constellation... but thank you for noticing I'm here."

Аниме: Yagate Kimi ni Naru
Музыка: Aimer - Rokutousei no Yoru

Tiny Constellation

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: Egnaro

How Brain Tumors Affect the Mind, Emotion and Personality AMV 26.04.2019


Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Музыка: Yakui The Maid - L22

How Brain Tumors Affect the Mind, Emotion and Personality AMV

Comments: 46 |  Rating: 2.392.39
Author: reice

Parallel 25.04.2019

(((sad naruto flute.mp3)))

Violet Evergarden is a beautiful series, if you haven't seen it please watch it and treat yourself. I really wanted to make something to show the similarities in all the stories and how grief is universal, but also how it can help you grow and heal.

Аниме: Violet Evergarden
Музыка: Flor - Restless soul


Comments: 27 |  Rating: 3.793.79
Author: BioticAMVs

Flowers in a Desolate World 24.04.2019

3-gatsu is my favorite drama/slice of life anime and I think the reason it works so well is because the sad and darker scenes of the story make me appreciate the happier scenes even more! That's my goal for the video, use a balanced mix of sad and happy scenes to create an incredibly cute and happy atmosphere overall. Also this song is just such a perfect fit, I want to show how to Rei, the Kawamoto family are like "flowers in a desolate world". I tried to keep a focus on Rei throughout the amv, because that's my personal favorite part of this anime: Rei's character growth-- I love that, if we view the Kawamoto siblings as the flowers that keep Rei going, keep him appreciating the world around him, then the shining point of the show is really how Rei grows to become a person who truly treasures and cares for those flowers in his life more than anybody else.

Аниме: 3-Gatsu no Lion
Музыка: Dabin x Inukshuk - Another Day (feat. Nevve)

Flowers in a Desolate World

Comments: 32 |  Rating: 3.793.79
Author: Chaiberry

Only Slightly (More) Exaggerated | Travel Oregon 23.04.2019

Чуть больше года назад анимационные студии Psyop и SunCreatures объединились, чтобы создать ролик о красотах штата Орегон - клип в лучших традициях работ студии Ghibli. Сегодня встречаем вторую часть.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Oregon Symphony - Travel Oregon (Part II)

Only Slightly (More) Exaggerated | Travel Oregon

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 4.494.49
Author: Psyop, SunCreatures

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