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300 X AOT

There are minor spoilers in video

Soooo this was my entry for Dokomi AMV Contest 2021.
Unfortunately I was unplaced xD
I had this AMV idea for a long tim, but it missed the right Anime scenes
until the final season of AOT was released.
This AMV is inspired by Gregz, he did something similar but with DBZ, he was my fav editor back then.
Maaaann I miss his edits..
Fun fact: The AMV is exactly 3:00 long fitting to 300 :O
Have fun watching:)

Peace 'n Love♥

P.S: I'm founding a new AMV Studio, contact me by interest:D

Anime: Attack on Titan
Music: The Witcher 3 Blood and Whine Main Soundtrack (German), Trailer of 300

300 X AOT

300 X AOT

300 X AOT

300 X AOT

300 X AOT

300 X AOT

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3.23 3.23 (13 votes)
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Author: (video created: 14.07.2021)
Submitted by: FlexSantana 05.10.2022 at 08:42
3.23 3.23 (13 votes)
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FlexSantana   User profile  Video channel
  06.10.2022 02:35
Turbo, Yeah you're right haha
I had like 2 days time to edit, I was a bit in hurry:)
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  06.10.2022 01:17
В целом идея хорошая, но реализация хромает. Особенно липсинк кривой.

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