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Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

There are minor spoilers in video

I wanted to try editing with more of a instrumental-style music track and the slow, mysterious / sad sort of vibes this song gave off made me really want to pair it with this anime.

I also combined it with some scenes from Weathering with You, the theme of rain in both of these anime made them perfect for each other. Not much fancy editing in this one, although I did put a fair amount of effort into some of the transitions and custom phone overlays and masks to help convey the story a bit better.

I hope you enjoy it. Depending on how busy I am, i'm hoping to work on a bigger project now that this is done.

Anime: A Garden of Words, Weathering with You, Jujutsu Kaisen
Music: Yas - Guilty Crown

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away

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Author: (video created: 16.05.2022)
Submitted by: xyik 21.05.2022 at 00:49
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Ray812   User profile
  03.07.2022 09:25
А теперь просто выключите звук и наложите Земфира — Хочешь? Ну это так, может кто захочет идею воплотить.

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