Index > Sentimental, Psychedelic > Esoterra Print


There are minor spoilers in video

It was just a video made to look pretty. Focusing on nature. It was a finalist in AWA PRO 2020.
It is the most complicated video I have ever made. I have spent more time on it than any other video (I have been editing since 2002).

Breakdown of the baby scene (it is pretty buggy, apologies)
"Making of" the whole thing

I know this video is not as complicated as many here on AMVnews, but it was a big deal for me.

Started: october 2019
Finished: 12 August 2020
Started keeping actual track of hours in Jan 2020.
So total project time below is heavily understated.

Time spent:
94hr 3min 10s total. (again- understated. I normally just round up to 100 lol)
72hrs 38min 10sec for Premiere CS6.
18hr 42min for after effects CS6.
2hr 43min VLC (looping betas lmao).

Anime: Princess Mononoke, Kimetsu no yaiba, Big Fish & Begonia, Origin Spirits of the Past, Karas, Children of the Sea, Btooom!, Castlevania (Netflix), Dorohedoro, Psycho-Pass, Shinmai Maou no Testament, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Dentist, Vision of Escaflowne, Flip Flappers, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Girl That Leapt Through Time, Golden Kamuy, Grave of the Fireflies, Haibanei Renmei, Jyu Oh Sei Planet of Beast King, Made in Abyss, Madoka movies, Monogatari series, Mushishi, Patema Inverted, Princess Kaguya, Steins;Gate, The Perfect Insider, Wolf's Rain, Kimi no na wa, Avatar the last airbender, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Music: AURORA - Apple Tree






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3.57 3.57 (47 votes)
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Author: (video created: 12.08.2020)
Submitted by: StandardQuip 21.01.2021 at 10:37
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Comments (6)
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iris-am   User profile
  23.10.2021 19:49
Натуральная психоделика
seasons   User profile  Video channel
  01.02.2021 19:12
My favorite AMV of 2020? Yeah maybe.
Synæsthesia   User profile  Video channel
  22.01.2021 05:10
this really is one of the coolest videos I've ever seen
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  24.01.2021 13:41
94 часа непрерывной работы?
Т.е., 12 дней по 8 часов?
Да ты крут, бро.
Хотя нет, вру. Не крут.

По поводу самого клипа:

Первые 10 секунд - кадры не в ритм, это плохо смотрится.
00:24-00:52 плохо. Волки тут вообще не нужны, а их целых 28 секунд.
С 00:56 уже нормально, единственный косяк на 01:20 - это кадр из фильма ужасов? потому что я вижу руку, которая расплывается и горит
Дальше до конца всё хорошо.

Итого: из ~150 секунд клипа плохо выглядят ~40 секунд
Deviant   User profile  Video channel
  21.01.2021 16:46
Очередные красивые картинки под музычку.
telepati   User profile
  21.01.2021 13:54
есть неплохие моменты, но есть эта дешевка с волками. так что кол

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