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Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

There are minor spoilers in video

As I already say, I'm an amateur. I know my videos are simple and without great effects, but this is not going to stop me from being creative and making some of them.

I was creative and ended up creating 4 different videos, with 80's music themes. Younger people may not even know it, but for those who do, they may like the combination.

The first is "The Gate A-Team", and it is already available in Exam section.

The second is with Goblin Slayer, in may opinion is a great anime. I searched a song that suits with him.

And as I always like in my videos, I make a joke in the title joining the music and the anime. With the theme song of "Conan the Destroyer - Main Title" with the anime "Goblin Slayer" , we have the Second title of the four:

"Conan the Destroyer - Main Title" + "Goblin Slayer" = "Goblin Slayer the Destroyer"

I have 2 other themes to present in this series, so let's go to the second one. The next one will be the Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202 Ai no Senshi-tachi.

As I said, again, I'm sorry for the few effects, but I hope the fans like the creativity. I hope anyone who likes the 80's movies and anime fans will appreciate it. Enjoy.

Anime: Goblin Slayer
Music: Conan the Destroyer - Main Title

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

Goblin Slayer the Destroyer

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Author: (video created: 08.12.2020)
Submitted by: Rog_Bert 11.12.2020 at 16:12
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okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  12.12.2020 04:57
I do not consider doing whole clip in one setting as a good example, as the viewer quickly becomes bored with "repetition". You are showing us only fighting scenes which occurs in the same place (roughly).
Look author, next time show us emotions of characters, show us the atmosphere, show us the backgrounds, show us the reasons why they are fighting.

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