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Flesh & Cogs

Greetings AMVnews! I missed this place!
I had taken a very long break from AMVs, and this video was my attempt to get back into the game. It was made for an IC, but I tried to put my best effort in it, and while it has some silly mistakes, I was quite happy with the outcome, and I think it looks like a fun small AMV for this new anime.
I hope you enjoy!

Anime: No Guns Life
Music: Grandson - Rock Bottom

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

Flesh & Cogs

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3.62 3.62 (72 votes)
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Author: (video created: 22.11.2019)
Studio: Dreambox
Submitted by: Changelling 02.01.2020 at 13:55
3.62 3.62 (72 votes)
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Page views: 2820 times
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Comments (5)
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BaALAur   User profile
  21.02.2020 01:24
I really liked the song and the visual, so I think I reviewed it six times already. I never heard about this anime, but now I would like to watch it. Thus, thanks to this AMV I discovered an interesting musician and anime for my "must see" list, thankee! :)
chest   User profile
  18.02.2020 13:44
i'm in love with this
StJames   User profile
  04.01.2020 19:56
Really good atmo, editing fits on song here
Lion0608   User profile
  02.01.2020 19:12
Хорошее мв и исходник интересный, эта альт-вселенная цепляет чем-то.
Applejack   User profile
  02.01.2020 15:47

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