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The Pokémon League

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IlluminatedStudios IC Summer Rave. RANKING: 11th/34 Overall, 4th Action

I've been editing so much Pokémon recently but I guess I just started to enjoy editing it again xd
So I joined the IS IC this year.
Decided to go for action with a song from the Dance category. Tbh I've always wanted to edit to this song and I've had this idea for a long time and now I could finally do it. It works really well with Pokemon PFFFF
First time doing a full action AMV which was quite a challenge but it was fun. The beginning is super rushed and i basically edited from end to start.
Concept: The Pokémon League
(Taken from Bulbapedia)
The Pokémon League (Japanese: ポケモンリーグ Pokémon League) is a group that organizes Pokémon competitions for registered Pokémon Trainers.
In order to participate in regional competitions, Trainers must acquire a certain number of Gym Badges signifying the defeat of that region's Gym Leaders, or in the case of Alola, complete the island challenge.

Anime: Pokémon

The Pokémon League

The Pokémon League

The Pokémon League

The Pokémon League

The Pokémon League

The Pokémon League

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3.00 3.00 (54 votes)
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Author: (video created: 30.06.2019)
Submitted by: Lucariochu 11.07.2019 at 10:40
3.00 3.00 (54 votes)
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Comments (7)
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iris-am   User profile
  12.08.2019 17:20
Песня как-то мало сочетается с Покемонами, а может дело в её посредственно отыгрыше.
Axiles   User profile
  27.07.2019 21:20
как по мне, такая музыка сюда не подходит
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  12.07.2019 18:44
It just kinda feels like the song could be swapped and there wouldn't be a difference with how the video comes off.
Like, the editing is solid but the song just adds nothing to it.
seriy   User profile
  11.07.2019 14:23
втф, шо за хрень
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2019 14:06
ну такое себе, я вот реально не понимаю, зачем брать трек с настолько очевидным и засевшим в сознание бекграундом в виде клипа, от которого уже не возможно отделаться, на фоне которого любая нарезка, тем более скороспелая с IC будет априори смотреться проигрышно.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2019 12:27
Not bad overall, but could be better
Qubit   User profile
  11.07.2019 11:05
weak sync. I am saddened

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