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Fate for legends

this is my entry 1 day and half xD for Arabic iron chef Desert Trials 2019
Hope you enjoy the video
➥ Genres : Drama, action, Fantasy
➥ Logicie l: Premier pro cc 2015 / After effect cc 2015
➥ Edit Time : 27h

Anime: Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero
Music: The Word Alive - Face To Face

fate for legends

fate for legends

fate for legends

fate for legends

fate for legends

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3.09 3.09 (22 votes)
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Author: (video created: 24.06.2019)
Submitted by: SmailE 27.06.2019 at 08:23
3.09 3.09 (22 votes)
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Page views: 941 times
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Comments (6)
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SmailE   User profile  Video channel
  04.07.2019 04:18
EGK_ wrote:
not bad

thanks ekg
EGK_   User profile
  01.07.2019 16:29
not bad
SmailE   User profile  Video channel
  29.06.2019 00:35
Shinzui wrote:
Not bad, but the action part appears to be really slow

yeah ik I am editing with 2 ram xD
A problem has occurred in my other computer for this you know lag and ,,,
RadicalDreamer wrote:
Me see Fate.
Me like.

hhh yeah
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  28.06.2019 00:47
Not bad, but the action part appears to be really slow
IdiAlex   User profile
  27.06.2019 23:53
Стандартный экшон, ещё и по синхре просел значительно. 2
RadicalDreamer   User profile  Video channel
  27.06.2019 16:52
Me see Fate.
Me like.

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