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Guys, I'm starting to tell you that I had fun doing this amv like a madman, always in small spaces XD. I think this is the nicest I've done so far, the song for how you can feel and fantastic as soon as I hear it I don't have to do it myself xD did it all in one breath in 5 days as I summarized XD in free space then raga and welcome a like if you liked the video would be great the maximum sharing of my work that I make his your social;) thanks to the next video! bomber.
crash :O).

Anime: Mix
Music: Smallpools - Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

[AMV] Dreaming

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3.23 3.23 (40 votes)
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Author: (video created: 22.03.2019)
Submitted by: crash88ctamv 01.04.2019 at 11:46
3.23 3.23 (40 votes)
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Comments (6)
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crash88ctamv   User profile  Video channel
  09.06.2019 14:16
Muntoro,and I wrong them inexperience 👍🏻😁 👍🏻😁
Muntoro   User profile
  05.05.2019 01:16
Well but too long.
AntaresHeart07   User profile  Video channel
  03.05.2019 18:17
Non sapevo fossi qui anche tu!! Yooh!
Kroner -AMV-   User profile  Video channel
  03.05.2019 18:11
ma ciao grande!
EGK_   User profile
  02.04.2019 07:36
a pleasure
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  01.04.2019 17:17
нормально, но после минуты уже надоело

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