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The Center

This was almost the video that broke my yearlong hiatus, but a third of the way through it I lost my drive and abandoned it. But after I finished the super serious mood piece "Moonshine", I found myself going back to the project, perhaps out of nostalgia.
This kind of video has been my bread and butter since I started editing many years ago: fun, upbeat, frantic videos. As I've been looking back lately, I realize why I've made so many videos like that and why I returned to this one to finish it. Because these videos are really fun to edit. That's about the sum of it.

Arakawa Under the Bridge is a very charming series. It taps hard into the part of me that really enjoys stories about collections of ridiculous misfits. Part of my affection for such things can no doubt be attributed to my time in a certain facility for at risk youths, of which the title of this video is a veiled reference to. It's a time in my life that I look back on somewhat fondly, despite the fact that the actual day to day of living there was at times nightmarish. Though, now that I've been away for many years, I can look back and find the constant insanity and nonsense genuinely amusing.

Anime: Arakawa Under The Bridge, Arakawa Under The Bridge X Bridge
Music: The Grates - Inside Outside

The Center

The Center

The Center

The Center

The Center

The Center

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Author: (video created: 30.01.2019)
Submitted by: Minstrel 10.02.2019 at 08:25
3.40 3.40 (73 votes)
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Comments (9)
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RaZor   User profile
  15.03.2019 17:14
Эльдар   User profile
  16.02.2019 02:21
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Да здравствует наркомания! ))
@VAMP@   User profile
  15.02.2019 11:12
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Больше всего меня заставило выпасть желе. Не знаю почему ._.
Denn   User profile
  10.02.2019 16:40
Хаха. Бодренько. Мне понравилось
David Heli   User profile  Video channel
  10.02.2019 16:30
Качнуло. 5.
AngrySmile   User profile  Video channel
  10.02.2019 13:38
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  10.02.2019 13:28
как дела, рис?
reice   User profile  Video channel
  10.02.2019 12:19
Copycat_Revolver умеет монтировать видео норм
и эти снэйры в песне клёвые, вечно бы слушал 0.28 - 0.34, 0.42 - 0.49, 1.09 - 1.23 авторы выбирают песни с таким двойным названием flower power, inside outside песни для этого аниме
два автора как минимум
Lion0608   User profile
  10.02.2019 08:53
Неплохая зарисовка по Аракаве. 4
МВ, техника -все на уровне.
Но имхо, профиля сатурианки явно не хватало, без какого-то центрального образа. пусть он и выглядит чуть более "нормальным", весь этот рандом для незнакомогос франшизой - выглядит слишком бессмысленным и беспощадным.
И отыгрыши тут, имхо, прям фаново-экшеновые. А по факту это комедия, просилось что-то менее кричащее.

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