

There are serious spoilers in video!

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2018

This video was originally started by LukeG about 1 year ago, after which he paused the project to dedicate himself to another video. I saw the preview and I liked it a lot. When Lukeg took up the project he realized that it was actually corrupt, so he abandoned it. I wasn't satisfied, so I insisted on a collaboration and I resumed, starting right from the last preview passed a few months earlier, trying to do my best. Despite the many commitments of mine and Lukeg we were able to create a video that we think is potentially enjoyable.

Anime: Berserk: The Golden Age Arc
Music: Panic! At The Disco - Bohemian Rhapsody








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Author: (video created: 27.01.2019)
Studio: Revived Studio
Submitted by: cokAMVs 02.02.2019 at 14:06
3.35 3.35 (80 votes)
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Comments (15)
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Axiles   User profile
  12.02.2019 14:20
Вау - 5
DispariesTL   User profile  Video channel
  04.02.2019 20:10

Fun to watch, but so long ... It starts to get boring half.
Good job, from my Akross favs! 4.
Hamasaki   User profile
  03.02.2019 14:34
-Kisagi- wrote:
tbh I don't see a reason why would you compare that amv to this. Sure they used the same song, but different versions and the whole thing is different such as the setting, anime, editing, and some others. Also most people, unless they've came across it or been here for a while, have never seen that amv before therefore you can't generally call it's essence the same as to copying the amv.

For originality there is more to it than just using the same kind of song.

I never said that you couldn't use the same song, read again:
"Certain songs are attached to great AMVs, and it is a tremendous challenge to distance yourself from them"
And I repeate, I know it is a cover, but it is too similar, also the remaster made in 2016 is still quite viewed.

Like I said, this AMV is undercooked/rushed, the masks are not good, a lot of the overlays are a mess, and they haven't even made an effort on those letters, in fact they didn't even remove those modern buildings on the left at 0:48:

I've seen those authors other works way before this clip, and I was expecting a lot more, I bet they also know their mistakes and actually feel it was rushed as well, so they decided to insert it in Fun category.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  03.02.2019 07:45
tbh I don't see a reason why would you compare that amv to this. Sure they used the same song, but different versions and the whole thing is different such as the setting, anime, editing, and some others. Also most people, unless they've came across it or been here for a while, have never seen that amv before therefore you can't generally call it's essence the same as to copying the amv.

For originality there is more to it than just using the same kind of song.
Hamasaki   User profile
  03.02.2019 01:12
NicoKun wrote:
"Damn how come they edited THIS song, i'm so pissed now omg"
Find a new hobby buddy, everyone can edit the songs they want if they have an idea and they won't be stopped by you.

I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, Scaramouch will you do the Fandango
NicoKun   User profile
  03.02.2019 00:21
"Damn how come they edited THIS song, i'm so pissed now omg"
Find a new hobby buddy, everyone can edit the songs they want if they have an idea and they won't be stopped by you.
AngrySmile   User profile  Video channel
  02.02.2019 21:12
Не так я себе представлял, амв под этот трек, мягко говоря . Хотя и не сказать что совсем не за что зацепится, поставил бы 3.50, если бы такая оценка была, но её нет, значит и ставить ничего пожалуй не стану)).
Эль-тян   User profile
  02.02.2019 19:23
м/в на уровне вырвите мне глаза и залейте клеем уши... Это издевательство и над музыкой, и над Берсерком. Ничего хорошего и замечательного из этого как видите не вышло, плохо.
По технике всё хорошо, динамика не плохая, синхра тоже, но очень много "но"
Такое наверное Бисту по ночам в страшных кошмарах снится
Hamasaki   User profile
  02.02.2019 19:19

I don't understand how can some people think this is an original work or idea, when you have such an iconic clip has this:
The original is from 2001

Certain songs are attached to great AMVs, and it is a tremendous challenge to distance yourself from them, even though this is a cover song, it is too similar.
It is like someone trying to make an AMV with the song "Kraddy - Into the Labyrinth"
Unless you want to make this song a meme like the Opening of Evangelion.

The whole clip in general is "undercooked".
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  02.02.2019 19:03
Это... Довольно необычно. 5
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  02.02.2019 18:15
очень интересная вещь. какое-то поразительное балансирование на грани не то психодела, не то комедии, не то трэша; то же самое насчёт монтажа – то ли вин, то ли моднявость на грани вкуса.

seriy   User profile
  02.02.2019 18:00
У меня аж голова закружилась от этого "монтажа". Но м/в оригинальное, так что страдал, но досмотрел.
fynjy   User profile
  03.02.2019 01:24
Крутое М/В, но крутое по разному. И тебя как толстяка на водных горках об желоба, сменами этого восприятия, на протяжении всего клипа бортиками, бдыщь, бдыщь. Но по другому наверное и никак, только очень эффортом и мастерством, так посмотришь,,, потенциал концепта конечно дикий. Возможно, этому кролику нужно было дать еще подрасти, прежде чем доставать из шляпы...

Но ролик все равно понравился, смелый, яркий, нестандартный, четыре. Такое обобщающее хорошо, между перепадами от "омг это безумие прекрасно!", до "ну ок, не всему же клипу быть эпиком".
Strannick610   User profile  Video channel
  02.02.2019 16:30
ИМХО: первые 2 минуты и концовка норм, а в середине клип переходит в "бафос" с 2:00 по 3:45 минуты который мне не зашел.
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  02.02.2019 14:17
Пожалуй самая оригинальная работа с кона. Мв по началу сбивает с толку, но потом понимаешь, что все-таки вин.

Середина клипа особенно удалась.

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