
Последние комментарии pieandbeer

Количество комментариев за все время: 28, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 70 (97.22%)
Отрицательные оценки 2 (2.78%)
Количество положительных комментов 23 (82.14%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) Persimmon pieandbeer | (4 | 0) | 06.04.2019 20:21
Goliard написал(а):
Can you share version without color correction?

no i like the color correction ✌️

2) Bad News/Good Night pieandbeer | (3 | 0) | 24.03.2019 21:40
i adore the sync in this +A+

3) The Slippery Slope pieandbeer | (4 | 0) | 10.11.2018 19:48
this just may be google translating screwing with me so sorry if i am misunderstanding! i never actually intended this vid to be a real comedy. the way AWA Pro works is that categories are chosen then vids are voted into them. when i saw it was in comedy finals and then won, i was actually kind of pissed haha. To me, this is just an upbeat vid with a comedic source but i was not quite sure how to label it on amvnews since the US idea of Upbeat aligns more with Fun than Dance a lot of the time. Thank you for the feedback though!

4) Whiplash pieandbeer | (0 | 0) | 06.11.2018 01:43
i absolutely loved this! it was hype as hell. normally i'm pretty lukewarm on these type of action vids but this one had a really unique aesthetic and a ton of memorable moments for me. though i would say the letterbox at 1:21 went away at a really odd moment

5) hyptnotic DollTrance pieandbeer | (1 | 0) | 31.08.2018 22:33
this is gorgeous. great job!

6) Me, Haller pieandbeer | (7 | 0) | 29.08.2018 20:26
i loved this! some of the parts were a bit too hard to see because it was either all black or just too many undefined sections, but i really liked the vid overall. i felt like the scrolling text at 1:57 really added to a feeling of anxiety and despair because it felt like racing thoughts. not sure if that was your intent, but it was really cool! i appreciate how original it is!

7) Vivant pieandbeer | (3 | 0) | 29.06.2018 19:06
Kvant написал(а):

if you watch any other wakfu vid (infinite gate is a good one!) i think youll see how much work i put into finding those pretty fluid scenes to match the music without relying on effects. yes, its basic in the sense that there arent many /noticeable/ effects, but id argue that the actual use of the source is much more involved than taking a pretty source and putting to music. i basically drove myself insane trying to find all the fluid scenes and syncing them in a way that still allowed me to respect the story of the source.

wakfu was surprisingly difficult to work with despite its moments of beautiful animation. like, any of my other vids i would be fine with someone saying i just threw stuff on the timeline and the source carried it, but i really worked hard on getting the source to look like it does on this one. it took like a year and a half of trying to edit it, getting frustrated that the source wasnt easy to edit with and giving up haha. thank you for the feedback though!

8) Underwear pieandbeer | (1 | 0) | 11.06.2018 06:15
this was cute af

9) Atonement pieandbeer | (2 | 0) | 11.06.2018 05:47
i'm honestly super surprised this didn't make finals for best editing. the cuts are on point and you have a great handle on suspense. only real criticism is that i felt like a few action sequences were slightly too slow for the song, so there wasn't enough variance between the verses and choruses in terms of speed, but overall super great work!!

10) Destiny pieandbeer | (3 | 0) | 11.06.2018 05:40
loved how you set up the story and where points met up in the song. thought the actual combining of the sources needed a bit of work - white uniform girl was too bright/sharp in the running into the bike scene for example. but overall really cool work!!

11) Reverse pieandbeer | (2 | 0) | 11.06.2018 05:13
few things, solid edit and cool mood but I think if you went for a purple/black theme instead of the red/black, it would fit the anime much much better. This would make it so scenes without as much color correction wouldn't have stood out as much, which was an issue for me. Also, I think you limited the action scenes too much with your story/character selection. I applaud your commitment to creating your own story, but with such a short anime you missed out on like half the possible fight scenes. Overall cool vid though!

12) Hitagi pieandbeer | (4 | 0) | 08.06.2018 16:08
so sad that this didnt make finals ;A; its super pleasant!

13) Vivant pieandbeer | (6 | 0) | 06.05.2018 16:26
Enigmo написал(а):



kebenaj написал(а):
всё те же проблемы, никакого прогресса

thanks for my new twitter bio ✌️

14) She's Just Killing Me pieandbeer | (4 | 0) | 27.04.2018 01:51
goddamn the sync is so nice +A+ great job really made this unusual pairing work!

15) Vetus Memoria pieandbeer | (3 | 0) | 29.12.2017 00:29
amazing atmosphere and smooth editing +A+

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