
Last comments chrismiura

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1) Melancholy x Psychopathy chrismiura | (0 | 0) | 07.05.2020 22:25
Thanks to everyone for the comments ... I promise I will improve.

2) Eternal Reality chrismiura | (1 | 3) | 12.05.2016 01:38
ThalesEditions wrote:
When I watch I said "Is it really a ChrisMiura AMV ?"

Each time that I watch your projects I feels a giant potential inside you, first Cloud City, now this. Believe in yourself through the AMVNews members feedback (the real feedbacks, not all commentary is useful).

>My feedback:
- Ideia really strong here. This project isn't random even appearing be in begin. The music has a giant connection with AMV concept and the animes plot., being an AMV not only for those anime fans, but for a concret concept understood easely through music lyrics and image/expressions of the characters.

- The idea is great, but, unfortunately it wasn't very well executed, even the project has a big harmony, there are some editions erros that take down the project.

- I really didn't like the project color, (BLUE & RED) this mix is really hard to do, mainly with complementary colors of it. But I understood the reason, in the music the singer talk about blue color, and following the lyrics, the Red represent the tension/difficulty of reality, creating exactly this contrast suggested in the music/concept. Time 4:23 was for the best scene.

- The main problem here isn't the time, the music is big, what the problem? If it is well planned to keep us busy with project (harmony) it's ok. Lolligerjoj is here as example.

- The Ideia of liquid reality put on video was genial! Distortion effect was a good ideia. This fortified the harmony.

- The RGB Split is messy, you need to put it more precise, more accuracy and rough with more speed returning to start if you understand. If not this happen, and we only see the sync in lateral areas of effect. Use the RGB Split of Into The Labyrinth as exemple.

- So, improve your color correction, the syncronism and the effects, but I'm sure that your already is improving this, the technical side :P

Man keeps this way. I'm really enjoying your projects, and good luck in contest. ^^ 4+

Thank Thalles. The original song is 8:10. I do not have much time, so I cut in half. Little by little I learn more.
leon.by wrote:
Сразу подумал, что сюжет клипа коснется темы "зомби апокалипсиса", чему очень обрадовался. Но когда увидел рожу Шикомару из Наруто, понял что здесь что-то не то.

На второй минуте клипа стало всё понятно, что сюжета никакого в работе не наблюдается. Начали надоедать стандартные эффекты Вегаса, где-то ближе к 3 минуте мои глаза прослезились.

Осторожно! Смотреть видео можно минимум на расстояние двух метров!

Кое как досмотрел до 5 минуты... и здесь я не выдержал. Рука сама потянулась к мышке, чтобы промотать видео в конец. Как у меня не хватило сил досмотреть клип, так у автора - сделать финальные титры.

Попробуй-ка сделать амв на восемь минут, не каждому под силу такое. А я тут придираюсь к титрам

Thanks for the comment.
Changelling wrote:
Enigmoron, I'm trying to either understand the joke, or understand why such flaming is allowed.

It is part ... :)

3) Eternal Reality chrismiura | (2 | 5) | 12.05.2016 00:55
Enigmoron wrote:

I do not quite understand what you said. But this is my first AMV NEWS / BIG CONTETS.

4) Ghost Audition chrismiura | (2 | 2) | 21.04.2016 02:46
No doubt the guy is good ... .

5) Secret Drawing chrismiura | (2 | 1) | 15.04.2016 06:57
Po cara, como vc consegue editar assim? Muito bom... vi parte de minha vida neste amv. Um dia chego ao seu nível. Boa sorte...

6) Mirror of Memories chrismiura | (0 | 0) | 07.06.2015 16:19
muito bom

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