
Последние комментарии b3ko1722

Количество комментариев за все время: 7, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 3 (75%)
Отрицательные оценки 1 (25%)
Количество положительных комментов 3 (42.86%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (14.29%)
1) Where'd you go... b3ko1722 | (1 | 0) | 13.05.2017 00:24
Leegf написал(а):

You're welcome :)
Actually, that one wasn't bad. And that's why I've written you should avoid it when it's unnecessary. When you're trying to achieve some kind of effect on purpose it's okay. In this case, it's called "lip sync". There are a lot of clips which use lip sync. It's complicated effect to achieve in fact. Among lately examples I can recall Red Queen

Oh, I see. My bad. I like to play around with the sound sometimes, and I never really dedicated much time to make any of my amvs. I made this one in two days, since I was in a tight schedules, so I wasn't very careful overall, I admit ^^' TY for the advice once again, I'll make sure I dedicate enough time to my next AMV! :)

2) Where'd you go... b3ko1722 | (1 | 0) | 12.05.2017 15:58
Leegf написал(а):
Technically it's not great. Sure thing, it has flaws. For example, try to avoid scenes when characters open their mouths when it's unnecessary. It's considered to be a bad tone in amv-community.
However, I liked your work.

Ty very much for the feedback! :) I didn't know that about the mouths, I think the one where she says "somedays I feel like shit" was pretty "cute"xD

3) The Mark on the Wall b3ko1722 | (1 | 0) | 02.05.2017 20:59
Can you please explain what happened? :) and why is there a snail on the poster?

4) Dragon size b3ko1722 | (0 | 1) | 30.04.2017 13:56
Dark_Sage написал(а):
This was the best AMV I've seen in the contest so far. That is not a compliment.

stop being so god damn salty.If you are that confident, why dont you win this Contest in the snap of a finger?

5) Where'd you go... b3ko1722 | (0 | 0) | 29.04.2017 16:00
Dark_Sage написал(а):
Based on this AMV I can see why your ex left you.

Well, nice attempt at being a funny-ass hater, but that didn't even happen lol

6) Where'd you go... b3ko1722 | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2017 22:13
kebenaj написал(а):

It's about the music. First, I was pleased by the lovely atmosphere and were able to imagine the happy part of you living together... but then the music started, and it was embarassing (loud, rough, cheesy).

Hope you and your ex are fine.

kebenaj написал(а):

It's about the music. First, I was pleased by the lovely atmosphere and were able to imagine the happy part of you living together... but then the music started, and it was embarassing (loud, rough, cheesy).

Hope you and your ex are fine.

Oh, I thought the sound itself was bad xD Dont worry, I dont even think this song goes well with the anime. I only used it because it was something very personal.^.^ and we are fine thanks. Both walking our seperate paths

7) Where'd you go... b3ko1722 | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2017 21:43
MapleMAD написал(а):
There are some good moments and matching lyrics, but maybe should go easy on the screen scale zoom in/out effects, not saying those are not good, just maybe tone it down a little bit to match better with the story.

Good luck in the contest.

I appreciate your comment, thanks! :) I'll definitely have that in mind in the future. Is that why people are saying 2007 "Jokes" tho? I don't really get it to be honest, maybe they're saying this style of editing is outdated? I wouldn't know since I only am in touch with amvs for like 2 years, and I never dug too deep, I only watched the better amvs out there and I just recently found out about this website :s
kebenaj написал(а):
The first seconds straight imbued with their sweet, romantic short-lived life ... until ears began to pour lead. Is your ex alright?

Sorry I didn't quite get your comment

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