
Последние комментарии aced

16) Sky Sanctuary aced | (0 | 0) | 06.04.2015 02:06
Avient написал(а):
Here come all the cultists of nostromology


17) DreamCall aced | (2 | 0) | 29.03.2015 20:09
she must of cried because she saw an inshadow comment

18) Blood and Blade aced | (0 | 1) | 17.03.2015 04:02
Not special, not fancy, nothing new. Regardless, I really dig this video and appreciate it even if nobody else here does

19) America aced | (0 | 0) | 07.03.2015 20:36
Good concept and quite stylish, level up all round for the studio it seems

20) Trial of Sisyphus aced | (1 | 0) | 06.03.2015 19:06
Good feeling to it but in the end too static and not enough motion to get rid of that slideshow feeling.

21) Verity aced | (1 | 0) | 06.03.2015 18:58
Well went through a few older videos which I didn't really enjoy, for me this is a huge improvement. All the usually crossover segments present for everyone to complain about but in the end the story came out good and easy to understand. Great char profile of Aika.

22) Gold Guns Girls aced | (0 | 0) | 11.01.2015 14:52
What is this shit? this person has nothing to do with the video so why is his name in the banner and down as an author?
Studio is Blossom Team, title isn't even gold guns girls

Original file is here this is just some shitty stream rip http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQrfVhw

23) ME!ME!ME! aced | (4 | 1) | 24.11.2014 16:14
Xilandro написал(а):
Это не амв. Не в том смысле как мы понимаем амв)

More so a short film, looking at the team who made it. Character designers, directors etc....

Well really awesome anywho

24) Oneness aced | (1 | 2) | 08.10.2014 02:15
MatthewRoy написал(а):

Because those two aren't related at all, right? XD

If I have psicology, philosophy and serious themes in Anime and Music why shouldn't we have something like that in an AMV as well.. that comes from both?

Nothing wrong with stating your opinion if you didn't like the video. You want something entertaining, I thought it was clear that it wasn't in the author intentions to do something downright "fun"
But hey what do I know, perhaps next time I should go below a comedy video and ask for a more serious mood.

:Last time I'm wasting my time here replying to your irrelevant bullshit, Turbo will probably delete all this anyway.

MatthewRoy написал(а):
Because those two aren't related at all, right? XD

What of it? FIFA15 gameplay comedy outakes is somewhat related to watching the champions league...but at the same time they are completely different. Go figure genius.

MatthewRoy написал(а):
If I have psicology, philosophy and serious themes in Anime and Music why shouldn't we have something like that in an AMV as well.. that comes from both?

You look for philosophy in music and cartoons? good for you. You probably look for the meaning of life in amvs and anime as well it seems.

MatthewRoy написал(а):
Nothing wrong with stating your opinion if you didn't like the video. You want something entertaining, I thought it was clear that it wasn't in the author intentions to do something downright "fun

Quite clearly the authors intention isn't to make something downright fun. It's to make something psychedelic and foreboding. Thank you captian obvious. Don't confuse fun as a genre, with been entertained next time. You can sit there and watching something which isn't fun, but interesting...and it's entertaining in it's own way. All you're doing it going to the very extreme with everything you say, Stevie Wonder can see this isn't meant to be a /fun/ type of video. Just screams NO SHIT.

MatthewRoy написал(а):
But hey what do I know, perhaps next time I should go below a comedy video and ask for a more serious mood.

Maybe you should, you're defiantly stupid enough. Sweet dreams honey

25) Oneness aced | (1 | 2) | 08.10.2014 01:50
Stop. My face can't take it anymore. I said watching amvs to be entertained....not anime shows, I watch anime shows for various reasons but that has nothing to even do with this video lol... All you people are doing it going off on a tangent.

Not to mention you are trying to turn my sarcasm into a serious discussion. Which is almost making me cry.

26) Oneness aced | (2 | 3) | 07.10.2014 22:56
Literally faceplanting

27) Oneness aced | (0 | 1) | 07.10.2014 22:08
MatthewRoy написал(а):

Ever heard of Evangelion?

Yeah. I thought this was about amvs though....not stand alone shows.

but ok...

28) Oneness aced | (6 | 6) | 04.10.2014 14:42
Artofeel написал(а):

Why it must be entertaining?

PS: Кто то пересматривает одно и тоже AMV? Зачем? Оно настолько не запоминающиеся?)

Well, that's what AMVs are...a form of entertainment. If they are not a form of entertainment what are they? maybe some people watch Japanese animation and music to try be philosophical?....I dunno.

The opposite of entertaining is dull....dull is what it is. I am to assume you were going for atmosphere, a sense of foreboding in the build up...which there is. The idea isn't bad or anything, however the way it's executed is dull, boring if you like....monotonous with the repetitiveness of a girl and boy walking along holding hands with some twixtor thrown in.

It's 4minutes+ of not a lot really happening with some foreboding atmosphere....sadly not enough for me to find enjoyment or any sense of interest. I guess simply "been original" is enough for some however.

Still, wish you luck ;)

29) Oneness aced | (11 | 7) | 02.10.2014 21:10
60fps? Psychedelic? Suspense?

Say what you want, that was stupidly boring to the point even twixtor couldn't save the day. At the beginning there in some slight intrigue then just extreme repetitiveness. Simply not entertaining at all....

30) Devil's Vessels aced | (0 | 2) | 25.09.2014 19:35
Genetix' написал(а):

:DD no u r wrong it is "0.04" almost half nano-second or whatever is called but yeah the anime pretty much was, NOT what I expected it to be. Nothing was explained nor I don't get why did they say that ppl are afraid of Ghouls then in the same time they act like there's nothing wrong /facepalm/ :D oh and yh it was pretty rushed to be honest I would rate it 4.5/10 If I could, anyways... thanks!

That little? I thought it looked more, you know how it should be though its your video

a nanosecond is 1 millionth of a millisecond though...or, light can move about 30cm in 1 nanosecond if I remember uni right...useful info right here that will help you in life.

o, and the anime was pretty meh until the end, but still enjoyable enough. Second season could be cool though since the MC manned up. O right...this is an editing website.

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