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1) DOA - Big Anime Tournament Wrote | (0 | 0) | 02.10.2010 20:07
nice job boy :)

2) Blue Wrote | (0 | 0) | 29.08.2010 23:13
thanks to everyone that had the patient to watch this video till the end. I know that is not the happiest, and the original, video about this anime but I was really inspired by the music and by the theme that I came up for this amv: my intent was to use as much as possible the color blue and pull out its inner meanings like peacefulness, calmness and, why not, sadness... also the music has his meanings: I wanted to create an ambientantion that remind a sacred place, where everything is still and quiet. I quite aware that all this is not possible to understand all at once but I tried my best to not create something like all the other Kigeki's amv, but probably I couldn't do it. Sorry.
Thanks to all the people that liked this little amv anf thanks to all the other that disliked it: I'm not joking with you, I know that perfection is something impossible to reach and read lot of post that tell me that something I create wasn't a good thing and giving adivices really make me fell good because in this case I understand that I can improve and create something better in a near future. Thanks.

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