
Последние комментарии TritioAFB

376) Tempting: First Action TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 31.01.2013 06:56
Don't hesitate when you need help with the betasteing man, I could be a help when you're preparing a video

377) Tempting: First Action TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 31.01.2013 06:38
Since I'm suddenly starting to feel in the mood, you get a free Op from me


I got the concept. Even though the scene selection makes it kinda difficult to understand it, I still can see it. Now there are some points I have to mention:

-The differences between the sources. I still don't get it, you could have done an approximation between them by changing them and looking for other sources that look similar and the final video would have probably looked better.
-Typography. Don't you worry, this is a problem between all makers I know. You have to work in it. The one you chose, I didn't like how it blended with the video. This also goes for future posters.
-Disstribution of effects and transitions: It's not just the fact of 'I add this effect for the sake of the effects' it should be logic and understandable why the effect/transition is there and not just to add them without reason
-The fact someone used this song (or a remix I dunno) doesn't mean this video has to be compared with other videos. Unless the other creator really CREATED the song him/herself, then it's ok the comparison. But if not, it's useless to start with the premise:

'But this guy used the same song here (video)'

Because the AMVs are so different, nor we're not even the owners of the material used
-I would have liked to take you for the Level Up. You seem to have the potential to make something awesome but you have to work in several aspects, in order to make that possible.

Don't you worry man, everyone has to start from a point

378) ~ Bring It On Home ~ TritioAFB | (2 | 1) | 31.01.2013 06:22
You're reminding my childhood did you know that? I used to be a mate with Gregz in the TET when he was starting to edit.

Oaky Gregz, we should review, for the old times you know ;)


This when you were starting to learn the effects themselves. It still looks rush, and the static movements in the beginning doesn't help to improve the impression about the video. The typhography at some points it doesn't fit and the addition of borders was a :no: of my part. It doesn't help and it's just distracting. The lenght was another situation: 5 minutes is too much, and here you could have even 3 mini AMVs.

While it's true that you could have saved all the credits for the final, you insisted in putting them during the clip, which wasn't a right move. Personally I felt this first videos were a kind of preparation for the future videos, now there will be the doubt of how far you could have gone if you could have kept editing more.

I don't mention the fact about the anime nor the music, For me you can combine Bible Black with Linkin Park and it will be fine for me, as long as the video itself makes me want to see the clip from other perspective.

So Gregz my friend, you were doing 'the first steps' with this one. Just if you could have continued....

379) Our Particular World TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 23.01.2013 06:16
Congrats for doing it

380) Four Twenty TritioAFB | (3 | 0) | 13.01.2013 20:46
MetalAnimer, but I thought this poster was sexy :(

381) Breath of Love TritioAFB | (2 | 0) | 29.12.2012 19:37
Congrats for the second place bro

382) Sword Art Online AMV - Another World TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 01.12.2012 07:25
Vaya, una descripcion a la spanish jajajajaja

383) Slow Me Down TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 17.11.2012 00:11
Good Siny, good

384) Aparicion TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 15.11.2012 00:30
gattino, yes it is beautiful, though we rarely use it

385) Aparicion TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 14.11.2012 19:03
You seem to like our spanish language since your other video title is also a spanish word.

Aparicion-Destino: Pasion

386) Nexus TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 12.11.2012 19:28
It was time to see it here. Excellent cousin

387) 7 Days TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 08.11.2012 15:19
Good work Brisco

388) I never want to be an adult TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 03.11.2012 15:16
Good. In fact, a watchable story

389) Crazy, Maybe TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 29.10.2012 23:18
Nice to see you again Warlike

390) Lumen TritioAFB | (3 | 2) | 16.10.2012 23:49
Nice to see it again. Good job guys

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