
Последние комментарии TritioAFB

16) Cry A Live TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:17
I like the atmosphere here. To be honest I dont see the problem with the black bars even though they only appear in a moment. Not really a fan of the chosen texts for the outro but overall it has a nice feeling

17) speed drop TritioAFB | (1 | 1) | 27.03.2024 19:21
Now here we have a vid. What I like here is thatthe technical aspect is really appreciated. I can even recognize the moments Mekaku City Actors has been used. Perhaps the only complain is the outro but we're talking about the videos after all. So a 5 from me and expecting to see this one in the final round

18) Cyber Warfare TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 25.03.2024 17:27
For me its not a bad video but I dont consider necessary to add scenes just like in 0:43 or 0:46 from the gameplay, even 1:18. The rest of the video works though. Kinda long otro in an additional note

19) Oh, No! TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:20
On another sidenote, I didnt know this is an analogy to the first entry. Didnt check all the videos until now

20) Kilometres TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:19
At first I had problems digging it but after several tries I coyld enjoy it. Good work guys

21) Oh, Yes! TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:17
Dude you picked my first ever favorite song. Asides from what I already said in the other video submitted its always a pleasure to watch a video from you

22) "Yandere" girlfriend_s desired for love! TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:14
I like how you guys try to do the next step whenever it comes the time for a New contest. Its the first time I watch a video from you, and you have potential boy. In a technical aspect I like the scene selection here, there are a few minor aspects that should be worked in the future, but overall good job here dude

23) Nekromantik TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:10
Like I previously told IceMoon in his video, I believe you, he and me should collab in the future since the three of us have similar styles. Whenever its the first time anybody wants to watch a video from you, people might not understand it at the beginning, but after several times you start to get it. Well, we have been comrades in akross con so thats why I'm always pleased to see you editing

24) Reprobate Romance TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2024 22:05
Hmm not really sure how to describe the proyect. I really had its moments but I have enjoyed more previous proyects but this one wasn't my cup of tea. Anyway good luck guys

25) Kenshin Evolution TritioAFB | (2 | 0) | 23.03.2024 16:27
Cool work guys

26) S-Class TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 23.03.2024 16:26

27) Oh, No! TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 16.03.2024 21:39
I'm starting to believe you, me and Deviant should make a collab in the future. Good one

28) Emission TritioAFB | (2 | 0) | 15.03.2024 05:29
Hey dude nice one. You asked me why I dont try to participate in the BC but to be honest I'm not motivated enough. But one day I promise

29) Pretend to be me TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 02.03.2024 02:45
Not bad Rika

30) PainX: Peace & Madness TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 26.12.2023 20:52
Maestro que bueno ver que finalmente lo subió pero queremos segunda parte

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