
Последние комментарии TritioAFB

Количество комментариев за все время: 455, за последние 3 месяца: 26 (5.71%)
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Отрицательные оценки 84 (17.61%)
Количество положительных комментов 183 (40.22%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 27 (5.93%)
1) ::flor TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 20:41
Disengager, oh its a shame. But its nice to see you around. Hey NewOvermind if you read this say present

2) Страсти-Cyberasty TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 19:14
Hey it seems I missed this one?

Anyway, when ai first watched this, I inmediately thought of Artofeel. Dont ask me why, it just happened. And I see he's already here. I have to watch several times the video since the story didnt siempre clear at first. But I have to say you man have your way to create a narrative. I expect you to participate in the akross con 2024. Its already time to win in it

3) The Color Violet TritioAFB | (2 | 0) | 22.04.2024 19:08
To be honest you shouldnt have marked it as a Story one when even in the description you already said there's no narrative here. Because I was going to ask for an explanation here.

The video for itself it as nice graphics, although it feels only as a mix. Only that. I havent watched this serie so I have no idea whats about but thanks to amv I have a minor idea. Although I couldnt understand what the video is about, you have done better in previous videos.

As for me I guess I will stop for today. Just a reminder to all the other commentors that there's no physical prize for the Best Commentor only the title. We'll be back in a month. Maybe?

4) For You TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:58
Now this is a Dance video

Like how you guys manage to get the correct vibe and atmosphere here. If I were to say about issues, probably the only one was at 2:00 and the fact of change for the music. The rest of that part I first thought it was the outro to be honest. Although for me the video works. You reminded me I should start working in the Opening for Akross con 2024.

This one reminds me we should collab one day. Good luck, until this moment your Best entry in the Big Contest

5) Butterfly TritioAFB | (2 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:49
At this point some peeps here have already said what I was gonna say. As a tribute this one is truly a tribute for digimon, a very clean work. Just that it has some short cuts. And as Goliard said: this hits different whenever you use the original versión. If we were in 2006 this would be a hit (I havent watched the youtube link so my bad if it already is)

As a whole a nice video and an enjoyable one. The digimon fans surely will love this video

6) Вампирский Кусь TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:28
I guess this is the part I like the most about the crossovers: when you can easily recognize where's the edition. Appreciated how you treated the footage from Dusk Maiden of Amnesia although the changes of color in the eyes was still noticeable.

You decided to leave some changes obvious which in this case it wad the right decision because otherwise the viewer would had a Hard time watching and looking the differences. In this case I like how you executed the concept and how the video ends. The idea is clear until the End and you didnt need unnecesary scenes to explain the plot. Also like how simple the outro was done here. In my opinion you improved a lot here

7) ::flor TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:19
My my, look who's back. Its been a while since your last video Disengager. I was watching some weeks ago your Akross con 2012 entry. With Dark Death Récords.

Nice to know also NewOverMind is also here.

From what I remember you always liked this kind of videos with a Psycho look. Nice to see you havent lost your style.
About the video: although short, the video tells very well its story. A plot about vengueance from what I got. Probably the only issue here is the lack of variation between transitions. Since it May feel monotonous at some points. Fortunately the scene selections saves the whole video. It also gave me ideas for a future video I want to edit but with a similar plot. Anyway good luck man and nice to have you again in the game

8) Inside The Catacomb TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:10
As a fan of the serie chosen I have to say hi to a cultured man here

I like the way you edited this one. About the execution there are some minor issues that need to be corrected in the future. Like the way you manage the texts here, you have potential in the future man.

Even if you havent watched the serie you should be able to understand the story.... unless you have been out too much time from anime of course.

One point that you should work in the future is how to properly end an amv. Someone might get lost at the End of the video if the viewer hasnt watched the serie. Not my case today since I know whats next after that but someone who hasnt watched it might not understand the meaning of the final scene. About the flow, yes, it tends to be kept at some points but disrupt at others. Still watchable. Good luck in the future

9) which one do you like the most? TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 18:01
If you are a kid who likes shiny videos, move to the next video. This one is not for you.

If we talk about genres, Horror is probably one of the hardest co sidering the amount of footage and what we define as Horror. This one fits as both the Horror and Psychodelic one. I tried to do the same in the making of 'Liberated Woman' but I was affraid of success

About the video: I had to pay attention to the changes of scenes during the qhole sequence. Didnt like that in some parts like after 0:30 that sequence seemed kinda long, without mayor changes, and the End of the video. The atmosphere abruptaly ends, you had the chance to actually made a more artistic end there in my opinión. But I guess the video does its function so nice job here dude

10) Whispered Beads In Smoke TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:52
Hey man, Before commenting I wanna ask: the addition of both DVD version, VHS look version and BD footage, was on purpose? I read the description but I dont see the artistic fact.

About the video: well it looks like an action one. Although yeah I see its based with that guy which I dont remember the name at the moment, you are telling the story. Nice to see the video has a sequence and not just random scenes during the whole thing. One minor point is that you hace to work in the intros, outros for future videos. Other than that I guess I said all about the video

11) Dance with you TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:42
As someone who has watched Leberate's evolution through the years I still have to say that you can literally think that if the title says Dance, you expect a dance video (even though you added the dance category) but it's more probably to have the opposite instead (I didnt expect it to be a Dance in the first place to be honest) so I guess that's the reason I didnt get a negative impression at first.

Now about the video: your main skill is about the scene selection. The main problem with the video is that at some points it feels random. It's curious that this one reminds me to your 'Shades of' video, even though in that video the concept is well executed. As a psychedelic one this one is ok. For a Dance video it doesnt have the vibes, since its slow paced. Even works as a video for Mystery in the way it's edited. Main situation here is that the concept wasnt crear for everyone. It sure has its moments indeed, but not the cup of tea for everyone.

12) DESIRED TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:30
Tut turuuuu

Sup Noisy? Its been a while.
About the video: I like the atmosphere here, there are some minor cuts that were leaked during transition between scenes specially in the final part. From what I remember from previous years, your style has been a slow paced one, exactly like in the video. Glad to see you're still in the game.

Outside the amvs, I've been doing great. Taking care of the elders in my country, a father now, and winner in the last akross con. Probably in the future, I will return to the Big Contest. Anyway, nice to see you again

13) Dark Spirit TritioAFB | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:23
Hey guys let me tell you that meanwhile I was watching this, I was trying to figure out who edited which part, but after watching the outro I guessed right almost all the parts except the last two. While I have the feeling you guys have made it better in previous videos, I like the vibes here. And nice outro btw. Anyway good luck guys

14) Cry A Live TritioAFB | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 17:17
I like the atmosphere here. To be honest I dont see the problem with the black bars even though they only appear in a moment. Not really a fan of the chosen texts for the outro but overall it has a nice feeling

15) speed drop TritioAFB | (1 | 1) | 27.03.2024 19:21
Now here we have a vid. What I like here is thatthe technical aspect is really appreciated. I can even recognize the moments Mekaku City Actors has been used. Perhaps the only complain is the outro but we're talking about the videos after all. So a 5 from me and expecting to see this one in the final round

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