
Последние комментарии Tommy-Dawg

Количество комментариев за все время: 6, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 8 (88.89%)
Отрицательные оценки 1 (11.11%)
Количество положительных комментов 3 (50%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) A Breath of Free! Tommy-Dawg | (1 | 0) | 20.05.2020 13:54
It is rough around the edges, but I like this video a lot. The anime x music combo works great and overall I enjoyed it immensely.

2) HEAVENS FALL Tommy-Dawg | (1 | 1) | 08.05.2020 13:36
At its best this amv is the most enjoyable thing so far this BC, for me at least. But I feel like it's also its own worst enemy. There are many moments that break the flow (0:49 umbrella), or could've had better flow if some simple camera movement was added (0:58). I also see some questionable transitions too that don't work very well (0:45 - coffee, 0:49 - umbrella, 1:51 - foot). Sync also isn't always top notch.

I don't think my problems here lie with the lack of concept as much as they do with some odd moments. I actually think this amv feels pretty original compared to other mixes. And to be fair, most of the amv is still generally very enjoyable and it belongs to my favs so far. I just think it could've been fine-tuned into something even better.

GL in the contest.

3) Amity Tommy-Dawg | (3 | 0) | 03.11.2019 15:36
олух царя небесного написал(а):
Ага. У соседнего клипа с гинтамой тоже онлайн сломался? Тому, кто этим занимается, без разницы чей клип форсить. Медвежью услугу оказывает. Вспомните пропорции под другими клипами: "просмотры" > "оценки" > голосование за/против".
Вспомните хотя бы Ressurection Path. А это, на минуточку, Kimetsu no Yaiba, сёнен-свежак. Но там не было такого ажиотажа. "За" и "против" были практически поровну.

You're giving me good laughs here, I'll give you that.

You're comparing a video from the main page with a video from Exam. Mistake #1. Obviously people won't go to the exam section to just watch videos, but to purposely vote for them. The view/vote difference won't be as big.

You also keep on ignoring that you can both dowload the video and view it on Youtube. And apparently the video player here had been broken for a lot of people up until like an hour ago so there was not even a possibility of watching it here for some. My YT views have also gotten up noticeably up since yesterday. If you consider all this the view/vote ratio is not 20/25 as you said, but rather somewhere around 50/25.

And the for/against ratio (which I can't see btw so I'll go off of your screenshot). Maybe people just like the video? Is it really that hard to believe? Seriously just stop.

4) Amity Tommy-Dawg | (0 | 0) | 03.11.2019 14:28
Goliard написал(а):

Most likely because flash is disabled in your browser)

No I don't think Flash is the reason, because I can play other videos just fine. Maybe it's caused by the video itself but I thought I was rendering it on very basic settings so this really is a mystery to me

5) Amity Tommy-Dawg | (0 | 0) | 03.11.2019 14:12
Goliard написал(а):

I don't think it's the case since I can see this vid in both players)

Oh really? Well, then I have legit no idea what the cause could be
Maybe my browser settings are indeed broken somehow, but well I won't bother with it since it's my video anyways.

6) Amity Tommy-Dawg | (3 | 0) | 03.11.2019 13:50
олух царя небесного написал(а):
Так. Харе накрутку делать. яж_всё_вижу.
Кто-то поднакопил акков и теперь форсит клипы?
Сравните кол-во "уже проголосовали" и "оценок" с просмотрами он-лайн. Очевидно же.

lmao what is this? A conspirational theory? In your mathematical "proofs" you completely neglected the number of downloads the video has. Not everyone has to watch it online you know (especially when one of the two online players can't be loaded - don't know why though).

Also yeah, that 1970 birthday date seems to be a bug because I left that blank.

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