
Последние комментарии Squall(c)

46) The Nightmagi Cometh Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 29.03.2013 21:54
Some parts are hilarious and the credits are just priceless. But for me - it's just too long.

47) Carnival of Blood Squall(c) | (1 | 3) | 27.03.2013 21:19
You know what this reminds me of? Every other amv with Deadman Wonderland.

48) Into The Labyrinth Squall(c) | (1 | 0) | 24.03.2013 04:41
lolligerjoj написал(а):
I can't understand how one can get so angry just because of a video though.

Why do you think I'm so angry about it? Just because I didn't put some smileys in my post and used caps to emphasize certain words?
I only pointed out the good parts, bad parts and gave a little advice on how to make it better. Isn't that the point of critique?
lolligerjoj написал(а):
They wouldn't be there since most of the footage extends beyond the frame. I thought it gives the effect more impact. Well it seems like it did. A negative one though...

Well because most of the people when they use this type of effects, don't notice the black lines while editing, hence I pointed it out. And even after your explanation, I don't understand why leave it like that on purpose.
lolligerjoj написал(а):
Isn't the "ride on 4:38", which you listed as a "small detail" under "Interesting Stuff" a "childish, absolutely unnecessary way to sync the video"?

Well that ride was the only good thing in that entire part. So I decided to mention it, that it was nice and interesting, especially comparing to the rest. I thought you would understand..

49) Into The Labyrinth Squall(c) | (5 | 1) | 24.03.2013 02:58
Okay, this is a weird one. And I'm really confused about it, because like literally EVERYONE is exploiting Bakemonogatari, EVERYONE use the same scenes over and over and as a person who really loves the series it pisses me off.
I'll just list all the things that are interesting, good, annoying and god awful. I'll comment every one of them, so it won't be just pointless ranting. So with that said, let's take a closer look.

Interesting stuff:
-60fps. Nothing original to be exact and I simply do not understand the purpose of it in 99% of videos. But here, kudos to you, my friend. It looks amazing. Bakemonogatari itself is a visual marvel, with juicy colours and amazing animation. And here you complement it perfectly, by adding that extra smoothness and merging it with the song even more. Good job.
-The small details. Just the little things, like ways of syncing with facial expressions and that ride on 4:38, hooked me and added a necessary variety for the kind of repetitive music.

Good stuff
-Overall sync. It is smooth where it needs to be, and aggressive when required. It has flow, it is natural pretty much everywhere - I loved it.
-Choice of music. It's not dubstep, it's not some cheesy rock that craves for fanservice, it's not a dance track. I loved it, it absorbed me from the beginning to the end and only thanks to the music I managed to finish watching the video. I'll address that later. Either way - a weird, yet almost perfect choice of music to accompany this already bizarre series.

Annoying Stuff
-Choice of series. Yeah, I know you wrote about it in your comment, I wrote about it in the beginning and everyone here as well. But the elephant in the room needs to be addressed - Bakemonogatari is overused. It was pretty much the reason why I did not want to watch the video in the beginning. Think about it next time and do some research.
-Effects, cache and resolution. Okay, I don't have anything against trapcodes, but come on.. twitch? In these quantities? In our time? Also.. if you took the time to fix most of the artefacts that twixtor produced, why for the love of god you did not get rid of the cache(those black lines)? It better be a damn good reason. And lastly - the resolution. Yes, Bakemonogatari has a lot of cache-heavy scenes. But it is possible to go around that and make a proper resolution, by zooming, cropping and masking.

God awful stuff
Pretty much everything after the 3rd minute. Wow. Just.. wow. Why? Of all the things you could do, why did you go with rewinds? With speed-ups? With zooms? WHY? You had such a smooth flow, such nice sync and now these childish, absolutely unnecessary ways to sync the video. It was really close to ruining the entire video for me, that's how bad it was. You should've ended the video on 3:13.

Now overall I wanted to give it a 3, because of those bad, bad, BAD last minutes and black lines, but.. I'll go for a 4. Now, don't get me wrong, I still think the end is awful and you should dispose of it right away, but the first half is really good. I absolutely loved it. So I just can't bring myself to give this anything lower than a 4. Good job and good luck.

50) 怪談 Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 22.03.2013 07:24
Cпасибо всем за добрые слова, это действительно много значит.
Клип в итоге занял 2-ое место, что в принципе не удивительно для такого.. корпоративного, скажем так, конкурса. Ну да ладно, главное что народу нравится.

51) Seven Devils Squall(c) | (2 | 1) | 21.03.2013 15:11
Turbo написал(а):
Буду ждать дальше чего то эпичного на этот музыкальный трек.

Проще возьмись послушать творчество этой прекрасной группы. Авось самому что-нибудь захочется сделать (:

Но вообще да, клип не вытянут совершенно. И какой бы мощной небыла связь м/в и какой бы классной небыла бы музыка - видео просто уныло. Рандомная псевдодраматичная нарезка на Гиасс. Было уже слишком много раз.

52) Dream Inside My Heart Squall(c) | (2 | 0) | 20.03.2013 17:14
Даже если проигнорировать забояненный трек (что вы все в нём нашли?) сам по себе клип довольно слабый. Автор тщетно пытался вестись веяниям моды и это к сожалению очень заметно. Проходная работа вобщем.

53) Let Them Eat Rei Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 17.03.2013 16:35
Bubusiateenka написал(а):
Ни тортика, ни липсинка как надо(

Вот это.

Хотя на самом деле сделать клип с таким м/в - идея прекрасная.

54) The Demon Within Squall(c) | (11 | 2) | 13.03.2013 23:28

55) Fa Kin Maka Kin Squall(c) | (4 | 0) | 09.03.2013 07:19
Вот вам помидорка вобщем, поделитесь.

56) Soft Thoughts Squall(c) | (2 | 0) | 05.03.2013 19:16
Очень лёгкая и свежая работа. В основном за счёт исходника. Понравилось. 4

57) Flaming Hearts Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 05.03.2013 19:16
".. с детства с рифмой я дружу!"

Ну вообще на этот исходник многовато одинаковых работ. К сожалению, эта не исключение. Ну для 5-ти часов очень даже ничего.

58) Curse of blood moon Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 04.03.2013 15:36
Почему оценка такая низкая? О_о
Здесь однозначно 5 хотябы за эффорт.

59) A red blood indicates that the wolves coming Squall(c) | (0 | 1) | 04.03.2013 15:35
Отличный психодел. 5.

60) Shut it Down! Squall(c) | (0 | 2) | 02.03.2013 02:33
Jezau, Kazu, nu kaip įleidai toki klipą? >.>
Kiek jau galima tuos vargšus bake/nise prievartauti?

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