
Last comments Squall(c)

Количество комментариев за все время: 617, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Отрицательные оценки 328 (35.23%)
Количество положительных комментов 183 (29.66%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 53 (8.59%)
1) my deaer Squall(c) | (1 | 0) | 28.04.2023 10:30
Oh deer.

2) MLM Squall(c) | (1 | 0) | 11.05.2022 23:25
It warms my heart to see you've grown so much. The video itself needs a bit faster editing, but all in all, you did a good job!

3) Streamline Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2015 12:17
Неужели соулсы начали использовать свежие анимешки? D:

4) The Eyelashes Squall(c) | (3 | 3) | 04.11.2014 23:27
Хлопай ртами и улетай.

5) I want to be your girlfriend Squall(c) | (1 | 1) | 24.07.2014 08:56
>Заметил, что по данному исходнику нет полноценного клипа
И его всё ещё нет.
Надо было больше фокусироваться на ритме песни, а не липсинке и было бы в разы лучше. Потому что он у тебя не выходит совершенно.

6) Metal Gear Titans Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 21.07.2014 14:08
Badly cut music and lack of sync bring the video down. If it was for the sake of the experiment - fine. But as a whole - the video is kinda weak.

7) Marvelous Squall(c) | (3 | 1) | 14.07.2014 16:42
MimS wrote:
Russians sure are funny...
No wonder why I stopped to follow your community a long time ago..

Then why are you here?
mycathatesyouamv wrote:
Or the russian amv community could learn to properly critique an amv / get a better understanding of amvs.

Please define proper critique.
If posting one sentence along the lines of "it was good and I liked it" is what you had in mind, then I'm assuming that entire foreign amv scene is just bathing itself in professional criticism.
The problem is that you people just can't tolerate anything negative. Even if the video is ridiculously bad and misses every point - you still prefer to say that "it was ok".
I suppose this, in general, is the difference between communities. We mostly bash authors with heavy criticism in order for them to get better. And most of them do. It might be an aggressive approach, yeah, but if you can't stand your ground and define yourself - that's your problem.

8) Marvelous Squall(c) | (7 | 6) | 08.07.2014 00:58
Dark_Death wrote:
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.

It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback. And that you get mad if someone even dares to say that, the video is, well, nothing new and looks pretty much like any other standard dance-youtube-trash that constantly takes up high places at any Japan Expo for no apparent reason.
If you don't want shitty comments, here's an idea: make something good. Interesting. Original. Then we'll talk.

9) The Fox Squall(c) | (2 | 14) | 25.06.2014 15:40
Серый, смоги в липс наконец уже. Глаза кровоточат.

10) Hunted Down Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 13.03.2014 23:37
Не мне возникать, но, лол, да, неожиданные результаты. Зато лягух как детей на конах разрывают.

11) Ru.Comix 3 Squall(c) | (3 | 3) | 01.03.2014 15:24
Молодцы, ребятки.
Смею сказать что сий рукомикс мне лично доставил даже больше двух предыдущих, что весьма немалая заслуга. С некоторых кусков просто рыдал :D

12) Sanctus Infernus Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 10.11.2013 03:46
Minstrel, зачем?

13) Animegraphy 2013 Squall(c) | (1 | 0) | 08.11.2013 05:04
TritioAFB wrote:
Now this is when Squall comes and say: you didn't crush the xx intro.

You still remember that? :D

Anyway, yeah, thanks for using the original 'Intro'! Other than that, great montage and choice of scenes. Didn't notice how 5 minutes passed. The video has a natural flow and it totally absorbed me. 5.

14) Boxxed Squall(c) | (2 | 0) | 29.10.2013 16:23
Well.. I definitely should admit that I liked the video, which is a rare these days. The music is nice and the whole thing works nice together to create an emotional portrait of the character.
What I didn't like is sloppy animation on the stains, very bad lipsync, mistakes in words and a lack of motion blur.

15) Visible Squall(c) | (0 | 0) | 25.10.2013 19:26
Well.. at least it's short.

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