
Последние комментарии Snowcrash

Количество комментариев за все время: 83, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 27 (96.43%)
Отрицательные оценки 1 (3.57%)
Количество положительных комментов 8 (9.64%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) REvatrix Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 29.08.2012 21:33
Same as the original + green filter + better aspect ratio

2) Trip - Russ Chimes Project Part 3 Snowcrash | (10 | 0) | 19.07.2012 00:35
This video is the last AMV of Reznic. He' actually quitting.
But he will edit some movie music video I guess.

S.A. Robert написал(а):
Самый вменяемый клип в этой трилогии только Radical Sequence у Ностромо.
А у этих ребят, Сноукреша и Резника вышел «креативный» порожняк, чисто франц-стайл во все поля.
По сути тут только клёвый музончик тащит, в остальном просто ужасно и вторично.
Эти блевотные исходники вызывают только отторжение и желание поскорее вырубить клип.

Actually it's not the pure french style, it's just the style of Reznic and me. Tell me another french amv-maker who use this kind of weird stuff :p

Otherwise I recognize this trilogy is weak in term of editing, but we still have some fun to edit the Russ Chimes tracks.

3) Mangasia Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 28.01.2012 20:47
There is really good ideas in this video. The association between anime and disney are quiet good but the story is sometime a bit confused.

It remind a really good amv mixing anime and disney:

4) Japanese People Flacking Snowcrash | (3 | 0) | 15.12.2011 02:07
Oppai-Sama написал(а):
This AMV is hilarious, it´s a pity that some people can´t understand it due to the lack of English skills and its rating is so low due to that :/ It´s not meant offensively, at the opposite, it would be great if someone with Russian and English skills could make subtitles for the video. Like Kosmit my Russian isn´t nearly good enough for making some, would be cool for the sake of this funny AMV if someone could actually create some :)

Minstrel, here is a work for you

5) Japanese People Flacking Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 15.12.2011 01:15
Haha very nice. A bit slow but the dialogs are very funny.
But I am not sure all the russian community will get them btw.

6) Fantasy Snowcrash | (6 | 0) | 14.11.2011 00:51
Japanese hentai sucks since this video clip has been released.

From now, this is the new french hentai era

7) Paranoia Snowcrash | (1 | 0) | 07.11.2011 23:41
trampler написал(а):
Совсем не похоже на аниме, и сделано не японцами. Сюда ли оно зашло?

+ not a music video

8) Paranoia Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 07.11.2011 16:02
It's more a short movie than a music vide IMHO and it's indian moreover (not japanese).
Can we upload Dye - Fantasy by Jérémie Périn instead ? Despite it's french, it looks like more japanese than this one,
Turbo, what do you think about my idea ?

9) Sing in my own way Snowcrash | (1 | 0) | 15.07.2011 12:48
Hehe, you finally released it on amvnews Turbo

10) Ghost Runner - The Final Cut Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 06.03.2011 14:39
I expected more action for this trailer but it's still a good one
But vote for U Robot

11) Just one more chance Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 29.12.2010 14:48
I wanna be a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl :3333

Really good job here : that was very... sensual ;)

12) Lolicannibal 666 Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 23.12.2010 23:31
ZOMG you are so mad an sicker than me and my terrible footage for this IC...
I approve that :3

13) Gee Snowcrash | (2 | 0) | 25.10.2010 10:31
A lot of 3D bitches around here =3

14) Break Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 23.10.2010 11:29
Not too bad but not a very original work from Ileia.
I know she can do better than simple action videos =3

15) Beautiful Lives Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 14.10.2010 13:10
Урзак написал(а):

Я еще месяц назад добавлял (правда под другим ником) Неужели Snowcrash успел раньше Непонятна ._.

А клипу 5

Ah, didn't know. I forget to check.

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