
Last comments Snowcrash

31) The TV Show Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 25.01.2010 07:45
Haha, finally someone from creaspace.ru has posted my upload on AMVnews.
That's a good thing.

No holy war this time ?
Or no complaining about the fact it's not an AMV ?

32) Jesus 2000 Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 22.01.2010 01:21
I am thinking : people don't say anything about Hellsing Ultimate anime or AMV.
I mean that's sometimes very offensive about the religion.

Thank you. Glad you like it ;)

33) Jesus 2000 Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 21.01.2010 18:27
I hadn't thougt to upload it on creaspace.ru
It should have been a best idea, actually.
--> less people upset

34) Jesus 2000 Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 21.01.2010 16:18
Just to explain the french texts in the clip:

Ceci est mon pain = This is my bread
Ceci est mon vin = This is my wine

Not Animation Music Video but Animated music video is more appropriated.

35) Jesus 2000 Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 21.01.2010 13:30
Hum, I am not sure to have understood the debate about the video I uploaded.
I mean is there a problem with the religion ? It's just a creation and I don't think it's offensive. It's just funny. A lot of movies about religion are more insulting about religion.
Are the russians very sensitive with the christian religion?
I really would like to know because I didn't realize that O_O

And about the rating, on this website, there is few original animation like Draw with me. I don't remember so many comments about it. So if the rating is a problem, I shouldn't put a preview, just the a dl link :/

Anyway, I get another clip (american this time) in my files. Coming soon (or not).

36) Ensemble Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 19.01.2010 00:39
Урзак, are a fan of KxS or what ? ^^

37) 5W1H Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 30.12.2009 01:17
Angelface, you could ask to someone for an english translation at least :/

But that was a good AMV with your on story with this source.


Good job.

38) Dementia Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 16.10.2009 00:40
Always the same kind of video with Ergo Proxy...

39) Android Love Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 27.08.2009 08:22
Heeeeee, finally someone (thanks XZ) was faster than me to post my AMV on amvnews.
Great, I don't need to create a preview and capture pictures from my video

For some people, this video is boring. I know, but it's a slow music and I really enjoyed to create this kind of atmosphere.

Thanks for all the comments. Sometimes I am not sure if it's a positive or a negative comment (thanks google translator). But apparently, when it's negative, it's mean boring ^^
When it's positive, it's mean beautiful and stylish ^^

See you.

40) Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 24.08.2009 02:35
"The best kept secret is the one you don't know"

41) Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 23.08.2009 07:41
Just to know. What does this code mean:
You get this adress if you take all the red letters in the credits.

42) Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 20.08.2009 09:34
Awesome stuff. So beautiful and original opening.
A very good surprise because you have not copy a japanese anime.

43) Somethings Eels Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 31.07.2009 02:35
Very nice clip. The source is awesome. And the editing is so simple but very efficient.
It should be on the main page.

44) Galaxy Pad - The Magic Bounce Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 07.07.2009 13:20
Reznic powaaaaaaaaaa

45) Eternity Snowcrash | (0 | 0) | 05.07.2009 12:01
Awesome introduction : the colour effects on the clothes are amazing, amazing, amzing ! You get an excellent idea. After that, we have the first part with very good “masks” transitions. There is a good a good flow (thanks to the music too). From 1’36 to 1’50: I like the particle effects, it’s very beautiful.
But now it’s the second part and it’s not as good as the first part. Why? Because of your effects. You chose to do the synchro with your effects (cross and little bubbles). It’s a good idea, unfortunately you have forget your editing. In fact, you did your transitions with too “big” effects (cross and bubbles). I mean they break your editing. The viewer’s eye is caught by the effects and not by the images. It’s a shame. Personally I think the editing is more important than the effects. Your first part has a good editing with good effects but the second part has only good effects.
But your clip was really awesome the first I saw it. The introduction is legendary! Very good clip anyway.
Awesome внедрения: цвет воздействие на одежду удивительно, удивительно, amzing! Вы получите прекрасную идею. После этого у нас есть первая часть очень хорошо "маски" переходы. Существует хороший хороший поток (благодаря музыке тоже). С 1'36 к 1'50: Мне нравятся эффекты частиц, очень красивый.
Но теперь это вторая часть, и она не так хороша, как первая часть. Почему? Из-за вашей эффектов. Вы решили сделать синхронной с последствиями (крест и мало пузырьки). Это хорошая идея, к сожалению, вы забыли редактирования. В самом деле, вы сделали с вашей переходы слишком "большой" эффекты (крест и пузырей). Я имею в виду их разорвать ваши редактирования. Зритель в глаза, оказавшихся в результате, а не изображения. Это позор. Лично я считаю, что редактирование является более важным, чем воздействие. Ваша первая часть имеет хорошую редактирования с хорошим последствиям, но вторая часть имеет только хороший эффект.
Но ваш клип был действительно Awesome первым я увидел его. Введение является легендарный! Очень хороший клип в любом случае.

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