
Last comments ShodanKid

Количество комментариев за все время: 9, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Количество положительных комментов 2 (22.22%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) Unchained ShodanKid | (1 | 1) | 18.05.2015 10:39
Been thinking for a while how I could do an MMV that was unlike anything I have seen before. Now, I have seen that vision. And will probably never do an MMV. Thanks for ruining it for me ^_^ 5

2) Point of Origin ShodanKid | (1 | 0) | 24.04.2015 05:43
kvinsik wrote:
может автор не этого хотел добиться. но как я понял и потому что я смотрел исходник. клип о желании главного героя вернуть всё в спять. но при этом он понимает что в определённые моменты он поступил абсолютно также. как и до этого. "исходник о реально трудных выборах в жизни" и его желание устремлялось всё дальше и дальше чтобы найти то с чегоже всё это началось, что именно на его долю свалился весь этот кошмар. и если это именно так то однозначно 5. поставил бы 4 иногда не в тему кадры с музыкой. ну 4 явно много кто ставил, поэтому 5 окончательно.

If I understood this correctly, this is a very beautiful way of putting it. This should be the description ^_^

Turbo wrote:
Хорошая идея и реализация нормальная, но ... чего-то не хватает.

I understand this wholeheartedly. It's more of a technical storytelling challenge that if I did it again I'd prefer to either implement effects and a better source and make it more experimental, or design an original animation.

Idea way more difficult to implement than I imagined. I'm surprised I ended up with something I really like.

3) «Mekakucity Actors» ShodanKid | (1 | 0) | 19.04.2015 01:39
Wow, so very good. So very short. I would've loved to see how another minute could have gone, a powerful impact swell of emotion and change the whole vision of the video. Nonetheless, an early favorite for this competition!

4) Still Alive ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 17.06.2014 11:01
Pacific Prince wrote:
Работа понравилась, есть немало недостатков,но всё равно впечатления от просмотра крайне положительные.
P.S. А как сделать такой же эффект как в клипе типо "манга-раскраски"? Специальный плагин или можно стандартными АЕ добиться такого эффекта или же всё вручную рисовалось?

Simple process, duplicating the layer, invert then color dodge the top layer, becomes white. Then you channel blur...the best way I found since you can adjust RGB independently. Painful when background value matches the foreground, so some clips took several masks to clean and not completely. Which was fine, some scenes I preferred a gritty look or provided depth. Except the reach scene when the girl disappears early on was straight black and white and heavily contrasted. Straightforward, though much more painstaking work needed for a couple scenes to make it blend properly or the effects would be extremely obvious at the wrong parts.

Thankfully only a small handful of cuts took extreme work. I was testing this technique for another idea so it was kind of a proof of concept.

I thank everyone for their viewing, whether it was to your liking or not. My goal is not to please everyone...it's to share the work and if it reaches you, awesome! Come back for more later either way, maybe the next thing will grab you!

5) Time Note ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 15.05.2014 07:22
Good stuff.

6) The Fox ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2014 21:39
Verses leave something to be desired but then the chorus hits and its wonderful. Made me smile

7) W.A.R. Against Steins;Gate ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2014 21:36
Everyone does this schizophrenic thing nowadays, resulting in awful to mediocre same thing over and over again and why its so hard to even watch AMVs anymore.

This...to me...is how you do it right. 5.

8) Still Alive ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 18.04.2014 10:47
EnIgMoZz2 wrote:
You wasted time

Damn. I thought I transcended my human form, but it turns out....I'm just wasting time like everyone else...just with style ^_^

Thank you all, positives and negatives...and the middle. I'm just glad to be here.

Don't you hate it when the internet bogs down and drops the resolution? Or files get all corrupted and stuff? Memory fade? Me too.

Sorry, I'm being coy. Just enjoy :)

9) No Rescue ShodanKid | (0 | 0) | 07.04.2014 08:52
Man, the comments are rough for this one! I was just glad to finally see a video so far I could actually make it through and feel intact. I know I enjoyed it.

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