
Last comments Shinzui

391) Dance Championship Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 12.06.2015 10:12
Needs lots of more work into this, but still I was able to watch the entire video.

392) Gunpla Victory Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 11.06.2015 10:04
Darksss 73 wrote:
Где-то на детской площадке, в песочнице, в соединенных штатах америки .
- Пшиии.... я захерачил тебя своим филтрофизотрономо.
- Да ты гонишь, я поставил блок своим светоингунарным мечом.
Ей-богу , 17 лет парню, склёпай что-нибудь серьёзное.

I have no idea what you are talking about...

393) To meet girls Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 10.06.2015 05:24
1. This is really awesome
2. I really love this anime!

394) Spring Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 09.06.2015 17:25
Not bad

395) Miracle Shinzui | (1 | 2) | 09.06.2015 11:51
My comment was not harsh. If you or anyone do not like the way people comment then do not post your video here. This is life, people are going to tell you what you did wrong in many different ways.

396) Miracle Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 09.06.2015 11:31
Being easy on someone will get the person nowhere. You need a tough person in order to improve thyself

397) Miracle Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 09.06.2015 09:32
I did not like, found very boring and repetitive. Next time do not do all of those useless zooms because it ruins the mood. There are a lot of problems with this and the editing made it really hard to understand what it is about and the music does not fit. When you use music like this try to fit it in correctly or use an anime that actually fits. Don't want to say too much, but good luck on your next.

Overall score: 1.5

398) Blue Storm Shinzui | (1 | 2) | 09.06.2015 09:25
I couldn't find myself liking it, but I did like the Ao no Exorcist part

399) Break the Rules Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2015 07:44
I liked, well done

400) Mr.HERO Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2015 07:36

401) Narcissistic Cannibal Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 06.06.2015 23:40
I didn't like the addition of text and effects, looked unfitting. Also the zooms needs more work. Overall, it it was eh, could have been better.

402) John the Hellhound Shinzui | (2 | 0) | 06.06.2015 11:22
OMG SilentMan is back with another awesome video!

403) My Mind Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 04.06.2015 04:22
The music and your source/scenes did not work well together

404) K-On: Dreams Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 03.06.2015 01:23
I found this kind of boring and repetitive. Also the lip flaps were annoying, sorry...

405) CHAOS Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 02.06.2015 07:30
I did not quite understand the video.

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