
Last comments Radical_Yue

76) DaeBak Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 19.11.2013 17:42
"I got a boy."
Well, where is he? All I see is titties.

77) Malevolent Passion Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 29.08.2013 20:59
Oh god, why would you post this D:

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... T_T

78) Shine a Light Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 10.08.2013 00:47
Jerk made me cry ;_; I like this video

79) Love³ Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 05.08.2013 04:32
While I will admit that it took a bit to get there (little too much of the main guy sitting alone in his room) and the blur was kinda heavy at times, personally I liked it! I thought it was really cute and the ending made me daaaaaw

80) Virtual Gamesanity (Beta) Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 24.05.2013 21:37
Minstrel wrote:

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether the video is finished, especially when it's already a contest winner / runner-up. So I just take risks and add to AMVNews whatever I consider interesting in terms of idea / execution hoping it'll find its viewer. We can Remove such video at author's Request if needed.
Changed the name and now IT's Virtual Gamesanity (Beta) .
Shall We change main finished version to one's Published When IT.

Oh no, I totally understand ^^ I just wanted to clarify for those that didn't know.

Kisanzi is too lazy to make his own account so I have to do all the posting for him. :P It makes me look like his harping girlfriend but it gets the job done.

81) Virtual Gamesanity (Beta) Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 23.05.2013 09:02
Shinaki wrote:

I will not, it would be an insult for the author, I think he has a sense of dignity and he "finish off" the job.

He does plan on finishing it off >> But it keeps getting uploaded everywhere so people think it's finished D:

It's kind of like if someone took your first beta of a video and uploaded it to the internet. He appreciates the fact that people like it enough to upload it but it makes it difficult when you plan on finishing the video.

82) With A Dance Time Radical_Yue | (4 | 1) | 14.05.2013 16:54
I always get confused when they show instruments being played, such as drums, guitars and such, when the only thing you hear in the song is synth.

How the hell do you get drums to make those synth noises? I need to knooooow.

83) Order Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 07.05.2013 06:11
Everything until the character introductions was fantastic. Damn it Padre, why do you play with my heart?

84) The Fox's Wish Radical_Yue | (0 | 0) | 03.05.2013 16:39
Why do Kisanzi's 1 day Org Editor videos keep getting uploaded?

This continues to confuse both of us.

85) Snowball Genocide (Beta) Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 17.04.2013 20:24
Disengager wrote:
Where Reborn? There they also played in the snow. The video has caused a positive. Probably 4.

The quality was impossible to clean up. We couldn't find a good copy of it :P That and he only worked on the video for about a day and a half >>;;

86) Strong Beliefs Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 02.04.2013 07:18
How does I aspect ratio?

87) Beautiful Moments Radical_Yue | (1 | 2) | 28.03.2013 01:26
I may be in the minority here but I didn't like this video. It's hard for me to feel any emotional impact when the video is just a montage of characters staring at things or looking sad. The editing is alright and I give the editor credit for not being lazy and only using anime openings, but overall it just wasn't for me.

88) Aoi-sora dream Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 25.03.2013 01:57
If I wanted to look at pictures of clouds while listening to trance I'd just walk outside with my ipod and look at the sky.

At least the real sky doesn't have a really bad blue filter on it D:

89) Tritium 1.0: In Crescendo Radical_Yue | (4 | 0) | 08.01.2013 22:24
Blending needs work. I could tell that would be an issue before I even started watching the video due to the 3rd screencap.

If you're already roto'ing that much footage, why wouldn't you take the time to remove lipflap such as at 00:20?

The zooms and transitions are too erratic and destroy any type of flow or internal sync the video had going for it.

Overall, I didn't really see the point of making a crossover using these sources. Evil stuff is always attacking Ichigo and Orihime/Rukia already wants to ride on his disco stick so what was the point of substituting existing characters and creatures that already work for the story? It'd be the same damn video.. :/

Sorry, but :down: Couldn't finish it.

90) Together Radical_Yue | (1 | 0) | 03.01.2013 20:48
It's like the editor had a story they wanted to tell...but just didn't know how to do it >>;;

Good luck next time with that. :P

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