
Последние комментарии P-Bamboo

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1) THE WINGS OF FREEDOM P-Bamboo | (0 | 0) | 20.05.2014 07:32
ThalesEditions написал(а):
WHY??? in the start was good, with a good synchronism!!!
After, you stop the synchronism and put epic video part (action) on slow music part!Are you CRAZY?? Much of SPOILERS!!! You could transform this in a BIG EPIC TRAILER....but... you rotted the AMV.....

In the beginning, I decided to make this video is divided into two parts, because I think the front part of this song is suitable for the epic feel trailer,the second part is suitable for editing.And in China,there is no strict limits defining what an AMV should be like. Perhaps my AMV is not your taste,but I do like AMV, and I made it with love and patience. Thank you for your advice.I will continue to work hard. Thank you!(I type these words with the help of Google translation,I hope you can understand)
Thank you for those willing to comment.I will leave the network for a long time.When I come back,I'll read your comments carefully.Thank you!

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