
Последние комментарии MrNosec

46) Redemption MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 01.09.2017 02:51
*essay in russian on why your video is bad and you should feel bad*

Kidding, this was actually pleasant to watch, good work and congrats on the award!

47) Alice in broken land MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 08.08.2017 20:35
He's back in black (and white)
Stylish as always. 5

48) Eternity MrNosec | (4 | 0) | 16.07.2017 22:14
Not exactly my type of video but it's pretty calming, neat technical effort as well, didn't blow me away but it does what it sets out to do, and I think that alone is praise worthy.

Some of the previous comments tho lmao, excuse my lackluster AMV knowledge, since this song is apparently "overused", but I have never heard it before, so thanks for the introduction.

49) 聲の形, A Silent Voice MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 09.06.2017 00:24
This is definitely a good reminder that I need to watch that movie, btw labeling it with the "minor spoilers" tag is possibly the understatement of the year.

PS: Your name sounded very familiar and I had no idea why, was bugging me more than it should have, then I remembered you from the comments section of my video at Akross, how the time flies, good luck in your future projects!

50) Fetish Fever MrNosec | (3 | 4) | 08.06.2017 17:52
pic4arts написал(а):
Magnus Perfectus, dude you are talking about AMVs and not about Leonardo da Vinci. The average anime fan wants some ass and titties and not artsy bullshit. Your argument would be right, if anime was full with sophisticated art and not some stupid shit for perverted pubescent. If you wana blame something, blame the anime production committee for making this kind of animes or just go in a museum/arthouse kino and watch some "real" art.

Lmfao I cri, best comment on this website

51) Fetish Fever MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 07.06.2017 16:47

52) Benny Benassi - Whos Your Daddy (MMD PV version) MrNosec | (1 | 1) | 15.05.2017 23:19
This contest just got interesting

53) PARASOMNIA MrNosec | (4 | 2) | 15.05.2017 22:41
I admit I might have spoiled it for myself by reading the comments and the making-of-artbook-thingy (which is very cool btw) before watching the video, it ended up not being as awe-inspiring as the flattering comments and the cool concept made it out to be in my head.

Not to say it's a bad video because it certainly isn't, it simply didn't have the impact or "immersiveness" I was expecting from a psychedelic/story/drama video, I mostly felt apathetic throughout the whole thing and the re-view value is also close to non-existent.

But of course that was just my personal experience with it, I can tell by the comments that, so far, this video is one of the very few that got an overwhelmingly positive reception, so good luck in the contest.

54) Quiet MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 13.05.2017 16:12
Even though this is usually not my type of AMV I must admit I find this addicting to watch, very visually stimulating.

The scene selection is splendid for the vast majority of the clip aswell, and even though a lot of the scenes are sped up in order to avoid warping while meeting the 48fps quota, there's no denying how smooth it looks.

55) Atonement | Stagnation (1 day version) MrNosec | (2 | 1) | 13.05.2017 05:11
Since I don't speak russian I'm not going to try to make a serious critique or evaluate something I didn't fully understand, no idea if the lyrics have a lot to do with the video or not but the visuals look very cool, I think I've seen this anime before only once in "OnIrIcA" by KazKon so good use of an underused source, effects were used sparingly and well placed aswell, some of them I can't even tell if they're from the actual anime or not lol

56) Ventus Fugit MrNosec | (7 | 6) | 10.05.2017 16:23
Really amazing, I haven't seen most of the animes used so I honestly have no idea if some scenes are significantly edited in order to further realize the technical effort put into it, like some of the lightning, clouds, hurricanes and dust/particles all fit extremely well with the sources so I honestly can't tell, but hey if some of that was your doing, bravo.

The action scenes were very cool aswell, they feel like a non-stop stream of unadulterated motion, almost looks like every scene from all the different shows was meant to be pieced together like this, I would say you've achieved arguably one of the hardest things when making an AMV, and that is spot on flow.

I was half expecting another segment of the song serving as a climatic ending after the second action scene to give it a greater sense of progression and some closure, by being even more over-the-top in contrast, the final peak of rush before the calm, no idea why but when watching it for the first time the video just instinctively lead me to believe that was gonna happen.

I definitely think you deserve to be in the top 3 of this year's contest from what I've seen so far, very well done Strat!

57) Numinous MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2017 18:14
AkiraUmi, thanks! The main reason for the smooth look is the Twixtor plugin, which enables me to have 60 different images per second, instead of the average 12 and sometimes 8fps (which are the framerates almost every anime is animated at, despite them being rendered at 23,976fps).

I also used ReelSmart Motion Blur to soften the movement in the clips, it's from the same guys who made Twixtor so it uses a similar method to track what's on the scene and create cool looking "per-object" motion blur, adding to the smoothness.

58) Sunlight MrNosec | (8 | 1) | 07.05.2017 14:03
Visually stunning, a very impressive technical achievement, maybe a tad too long though, take F.Y.C for example, another AMV about making AMVs, just around 3 minutes and a half and it get's the point across perfectly.

I wouldn't mind the length if the song was more dynamic with way more different segments to work with, take Ghost Audition for example, it's even longer than your video but the song is always shifting into something new and it forces the video to go along with it.

That part from 2:35 to 3:25 feels awfully raw and plain compared to the complex compositions throughout the rest of the video aswell, not sure if that was the point.

Don't get me wrong though, that's just me nitpicking about subjective stuff that I think held the video back in some ways, but it's a very cool video, and without a doubt one of the best videos in this year's contest so far, cheers!

59) True Colors MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 04.05.2017 22:41
Cool song choice

60) Я Люблю Тебя! =.= MrNosec | (0 | 0) | 08.04.2017 19:28
Frame rate game 2 strong

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