
Last comments MindSwipe-.

Количество комментариев за все время: 4, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Количество положительных комментов 1 (25%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) The Race MindSwipe-. | (0 | 0) | 04.05.2019 01:22
Kroner -AMV- wrote:
Hey yo! I found the editing pretty good, timing was ok, some moments were really on point and the "meaning" behind is easy to found. What I didn't totally like, and this is the reason why I didn't like the whole vid, is the scene selection. I understand you want to show different situations fighting for the same purpose, but the animes you picked have really different animation and it's hard to find a connection between them . Also you showed for too long every anime so every change is even more powerful and noticeable, it's like seeing a mep were everyone picked random animes without even thinking about the visual coherence. Also another point is on lip sync, most of them were not succesful to me and I found them distracting and too slow. So here we are, I think you just need to put more order in your head to find the correct way to show an idea, all the rest will come with experience. Good luck ^^

yea you ave a huge valid point i was in a massive rush with this an to me this is definitely my worst work.

2) Excited schoolgirls MindSwipe-. | (0 | 0) | 26.04.2019 08:19
i give you a 5 for excellent work

3) Evangelion - On The Edge MindSwipe-. | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2019 19:59
i will try harder to impress AMVNews lol

4) Interconnected Fortuna MindSwipe-. | (1 | 0) | 21.01.2019 06:42
I love how every scene was put together with the love of making AMVs. The Psychedelics added into the AMV makes a viewer understand the story Also i wanna say something to the community about this AMV. OK Miso look i see a lot of these Judges in Contest,Tournaments,and Etc all Judging off of the edits added into the clip an if it's not the kind of editing they like then its a low vote from them sad right lol , but as a editor since 2008 I think we all should go based off the story you're telling in your edits as a editor you make a story to share with others but many people don't understand the story even if you explain it makes no sense. I give you a 5 for your editing skills an your story telling in the AMV. As usual do your best in the events and have nice day mate

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