
Последние комментарии Milan21

Количество комментариев за все время: 8, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 4 (100%)
Отрицательные оценки 0 (0%)
Количество положительных комментов 3 (37.5%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) A Breath of Free! Milan21 | (0 | 0) | 30.05.2020 12:23
okhostok написал(а):
Do not let yourself down, next time make an epic. )

I try to. We'll see next time.

2) A Breath of Free! Milan21 | (1 | 0) | 20.05.2020 23:48
ybStar написал(а):
Good color, I expected a colorfully one at the start, but I think that the color correction you actually did is perfect to make me feel some nostalgic moment. I really enjoyed the feeling that connect anime, song and color. You also did a great editing.

I'm glad you feel that way. I did my best with colors.

ybStar написал(а):
Wow! I really like it in its simplicity. Nice combo between anime and song.

It's simple like my other previous projects.

ybStar написал(а):

Free! isn't one of my favorite anime but after watching your video I think I'll give it a chance.

For me it was a perfect relaxation watching Free! after worked days - in the beginning. Then I started to really like it.
Encruzio написал(а):
А ведь точно скоро лето наступит. Прям почувствовал легкий летний бриз. По мне простой хороший клип. Ничего плохого говорить не хочется , однако кое-где обыгрыш просился поинтересней. Потому что чувствовал некие просадки . Есть моменты буквально чуть-чуть недотягивают . Но общее настроение передаёт , это самое главное. Просто и со вкусом так сказать. Есть еще некоторые мелочи , но про них как-то упоминать даже не хочется.
Крепкая и уверенная четверка. Мне понравилось. Спасибо дружище.

Thank you for your words. I'll keep them in mind.

3) A Breath of Free! Milan21 | (1 | 0) | 20.05.2020 23:05
okhostok написал(а):

Finally, somebody edited without AE/Vegas. I am really pleased to hear that I am not alone. Wish you good luck, show the World the true power of Free Software.

We're not alone. I know someone else who using the free version.

Technically I using the Studio version, but the free version is more than a fair offer.

Anyway I started with Vegas, then continued with Premiere but they were
unstable on my config.
I do not regret my decision that I switched to Resolve.
It has lot of potential.

okhostok написал(а):

My record is 102 nodes in one comp ^^.

That's impressive.

okhostok написал(а):

About clip: music even requires verbally to use this source. As a consequence, it became a solid music/video combination. However, lack of change makes this video somehow boring. BTW, I like your Pervasive Emotions. It has great atmosphere and interesting scenes.

Yea I kinda know. For me, this project was about practice few things. Pervasive Emotions too.
More complex ideas of mine needs more technical knowledge and artistic sense.

So that's why I'm making different kind of projects, to improve skills and gain some experience.

4) Higher & Further Milan21 | (2 | 0) | 30.03.2020 13:42
(English is not my main strenght, so excuse me for my grammar mistakes.)

As one of your beta testers I can say, you did a very-very good job Henrik!
(Meanwhile you have lots of work with your studies.)

You have a PC with 8 gigs of RAM and it has an old i5 architecture which is less than not enough for serious 1080p projetcs.

But against these circumstances - in my opinion -, You pushed your software/hardware and even more your personal skill's boundaries more than you ever did earlier.

Take my congratulations for your persistent work!
Your finished dream project was gave me a lasting experience.

I can't wait for your next projects! :3

5) AOT - Independence Day Milan21 | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2020 16:58
Goliard написал(а):
Годно. Сохранил.
Good luck in future projects 👍

Thank You! I glad you like it!

Goliard написал(а):

Milan21, it's not a big deal but when 5 of 8 examples in «Making of» demostrate just cosmetic CC, some people (like tovarisch in the comment under) may not understand :)

Ok I'll keep it in mind.

6) The Thread of Our Lives Milan21 | (0 | 0) | 06.01.2020 00:54
NIGHT написал(а):

Why such a color filter?

This was the first when I did this kind of coloring.

NIGHT написал(а):

And why frame rate mode in 181 Mb video - variable?

Video encoding: HandBrake 1.2.2 (crf=14)
Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
Minimum frame rate : 23.974 FPS
Maximum frame rate : 23.981 FPS

Good question.

I guess I need to tweak my encoding settings.

I always set frame rate to constant in HandBrake, but I think one of HandBrake's extra options cause this anomaly.
I will check this out before my next project.

Anyway, Thank You!
Lion0608 написал(а):
Идея показалась очень интересной.
Если бы автор не издевался так над цветами исходника, и потратил чуть больше времени на подбор кадров (в середине очень не хватает каких-то масштабных кадров, с такой музыки частная трагедия слабо работает без какого-то значимого фона), то могла бы выйти очень хорошая работа.

I need to improve my skills, I know.

7) On the Way of the Bow Milan21 | (0 | 0) | 06.08.2019 07:38
Thank you for all of your helpful feedbacks!

8) Ascension Milan21 | (0 | 0) | 06.05.2019 13:12
Thank you all for your comments.

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