
Последние комментарии MapleMAD

Количество комментариев за все время: 44, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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1) Salvation MapleMAD | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2020 17:48
okhostok написал(а):
You deliberately avoided hospital scenes. ) The video is well made, but at the same time, it was boring for me. Because just I know what will be in the next scenes. I think video makers should sometimes use some scenes that help the audience to concentrate. (You tried to use this at 1:48, but that was not enough big change).

Well, I provide one example, if I was not clear. Let's imagine that you are going to start a presentation with speech. Your task is to have an audience in the state of flow ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology) ). One way to make a flow, you should use a change. Changes are two types: micro-changes and macro-changes. You used micro-change: silence before the critical scene at 1:48. Macro-change could be something like a small part that reverses everything before. And you have a bit longer duration, so you should have used more frequent breaks. I think that's all.

BTW, I admire your videos. Keep doing this...

Hi okhostok,

Yeah, I agree. On the top of it, using a popular and overused source like Shigatsu might not help in this case. Besides the tempo change on 1:48, I also tried to use flashback scenes in some part to interrupt the order of story narration. The time-reverse-scene before climax(critical scene) that you mentioned seem nice, definitely will give it a go next time.

Anyways, thank you for your time and I appreciate your comment. Cheers.

2) Salvation MapleMAD | (2 | 0) | 21.02.2020 18:59
canalla написал(а):
Только эффект на 01:02 выбивается из общей атмосферы.

Thank you for your advice. I will put more consideration in transition effect in future.

3) ParaBellum MapleMAD | (5 | 0) | 10.09.2019 13:26
Pain is universal, and so is kindness. It's just as the main theme of Violet Evergarden. It's been awhile since I last saw an AMV that tries and succeeded to portrait war in this manner, and I truly like how this work conveys personal loss through metaphoric and material means.

4) The Darksign MapleMAD | (1 | 0) | 05.08.2019 22:50
Nice composition and a great trailer indeed. Not to mention the lip sync on 1:43 is a really cool scene to add to elevate the whole emotion.

5) Weaving Wounds MapleMAD | (3 | 0) | 17.04.2019 16:08
Art is what influences society by instilling values and translating experiences across time and space. I love how you try to tell your story through AMV and in my opinion, this have a real world impact and meaning beyond the work itself.

Besides, the storytelling and the pacing on climax part is spot on. Good work and I am glad that you make this.

6) Binary Star / 朝花夕誓 MapleMAD | (0 | 0) | 10.11.2018 18:34
I'm grateful for your comments, well I do put some thoughts on the live footage part, but the main problem is there are literally no scene of singing in the original song, so I was really conflicted in the editing process, and I should just use all anime scenes.
Yeah, back to the anime source, I would say the tempo of it's storytelling is quite weird. Haha.

I'm sorry, I can't quite understand your comment with google translate. Anyways, cheers mate.

thanks a lot on your reply, and yeah I agree with you on the live footage part. I gotta try harder next time.

I'm sorry that you didn't like it, this took me roughly 20 hours over the course of four days.

7) Vivant MapleMAD | (1 | 0) | 06.05.2018 15:40
Intriguing choice of source, a good match of momentum with the song.

8) you can (not) realize MapleMAD | (3 | 0) | 01.05.2018 13:28
Okay, same old kaleidoscope effect, color correction is quite cool and artistic, everything is fine until 1:35, and aaaaaahhh my eyes! why you do this to me

9) HAPPINES MapleMAD | (1 | 0) | 05.04.2018 22:18
In most cases, we would like to use color correction to improve either viewer experience or impose certain function (like combining together scenes from anime with different style / changing style into horror or Hollywood trailer's teal&orange), but in this case, I would say that it's better to not have any color correction at all, because contrast is all over the place and most of the scenes from the start is covered in a weird pale orange tint, and a few scene is under or overexposed. Plus, I can't even see the word "HAPPINESS" at the end.

Editing part also need some improving as there are no synergy between each anime that you used. Overall, you may have a good theme, but bad execution.

PS. Not to mention that it's disturbing to portrait bullying as happiness.

10) Glorious MapleMAD | (1 | 0) | 25.01.2018 19:14
This is so DOPE

11) White Plague MapleMAD | (0 | 0) | 17.05.2017 22:48
I can't help but to notice that plenty of your cut are screaming of RiderZ's Unsheathed, like how he was matching the scenes to the song and even the a few effects that you use is identical to his work, literally the same if you overlay them together, I won't list them all here, but one obvious example is the vignette transition starts from 1:01, and trust me I did compare them frame by frame.


12) Sunlight MapleMAD | (0 | 0) | 07.05.2017 11:37
Amazing composition and great story telling. I would say this is a job very well done and see you in the finals.

13) Where'd you go... MapleMAD | (2 | 0) | 27.04.2017 22:40
There are some good moments and matching lyrics, but maybe should go easy on the screen scale zoom in/out effects, not saying those are not good, just maybe tone it down a little bit to match better with the story.

Good luck in the contest.

14) Youth & Love MapleMAD | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2017 17:47
I would say it's not too bad considering this is your second try in AMV. Maybe should use less different transitions between scenes and avoid quick cuts in the beginning that don't fit with the song (0:48-0:55). While the climax of the song 1:30 can definitely use scenes with more dynamic or more emotional scenes.

Anyways, I wish you all the best. Have fun making AMVs

15) Dear God MapleMAD | (5 | 0) | 22.04.2017 15:32
I have mixed feelings about this work, some parts of me want to like this but the whole tone of orange-ish, overexposure/glowing colour correction seem to deter my attention from the story.

Generally it's a typical cross-over routine that featuring Menma, but I will say the editing is quite nice. Good luck in the contest!

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