
Последние комментарии Magicflier

61) Different Worlds Magicflier | (0 | 0) | 11.05.2012 23:09
Hirao написал(а):
опять экшн под лп =\
почему никто комедию на бк не сделал? че такие серьезные все
(или может я пропустил?)

There is about two, some are upbeat action if that counts? :\

62) The Stage 2: MO[r]E Epicness Magicflier | (0 | 2) | 09.05.2012 21:21
5+ from me :D

63) Don`t be Silent Magicflier | (0 | 0) | 06.04.2012 08:15
Very nice, favorite

64) The shatters of reflection Magicflier | (0 | 0) | 06.04.2012 03:32
Already knew this was going to win the moment it appeared on the site. Congratulations on your place (:

65) Wrong love Magicflier | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2012 09:16
Didnt i see some Kanon 2006 used?

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