
Последние комментарии Laxx

Количество комментариев за все время: 10, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Количество положительных комментов 5 (50%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 2 (20%)
1) SM★SH Laxx | (0 | 0) | 09.05.2021 15:54
MesoGear написал(а):
‎пару раз синхронизация по клику пропадает, что сбивает общий ритм клипа‎

I didn't want to make it appear monotonous.
When it doesn't sync with the claps, it still syncs with other elements of the instrumental if you listen closely.

2) SM★SH Laxx | (1 | 0) | 07.05.2021 15:00
seriy написал(а):
Слабо обыграно, если беретесь за такие треки, то трудитесь на совесть, а не на отъе..... у меня все.

You should work on your conscience as well when commenting things.

• Music track is individually cutted
• Video has a guideline
• Title is chosen to represent music and content (no deep story whatsoever)

I know it's not flawless because
• I don't edit actively. I only create AMVs casually when I feel like visualizing an idea
• I don't use special effects in general because I personally think it's an easy and generic way to solve synchro

I simply like the challenge to make an anime title look and feel good over music without the need of a bunch of filters or special effects. If you don't like it, then move along. If you have improvement suggestions, then say so.

3) Walking The Wire Laxx | (1 | 2) | 31.03.2019 00:09
Kroner -AMV-, All it needed to say was something along these lines

"Okay, maybe my choice of words wasn't that sensitive so sorry for that one."

But instead you keep justifying yourself. I know you mean no harm but it was rather impulsive and inappropriate and I know you can do much better. I'm not stamping you as a bad person, but you're only making it worse with all these justification approaches. With all your points you're only arguing with and against yourself. I didn't say you have to do anything of the things you mention except for being more resepectful or tactful. Tactful, that one word that was the fire starter apparently.

Btw, nothing is off-sync in this video. It's impressively on point most of the time. The transition into the voice dialogue could have gone more smoothly in comparison though. The creator here doesn't need to learn the basics. They took over the song which makes a good anime music video no matter how simple it looks. And as I said, it has more touch and a distinguishable handwriting compared to some mainstream stuff. That's the general part. Talking about the competitive point of view is a different topic.

Some people participate just for the fun of it. It's an opportunity to show your work to a larger audience. Everybody should feel welcome in the first place and it's a part of the community to make it happen. Be critically, but fair. If you can't be helpful, then just be quite. It's not that difficult if you ask me.

4) Walking The Wire Laxx | (6 | 2) | 26.03.2019 22:09
Kroner -AMV- написал(а):

well, you should learn what an amv is ,dude.

What an amv is? You mean an anime music video which this one clearly is? How about you come down from your high horse first before we keep on talking?

Let me sum it up quickly. I said I get why people are especially critical here since it's a contest which is totally fine. I didn't say you're obliged to praise the people. I did it because this work isn't as bad as you or other comments make it look like.

Kroner -AMV- написал(а):

So please before coming here acting like the kind of guy who have to teach respect to unkown people, please consider that you're here to be judged and to improve, and you won't help saying "AMAZING DUDE", you'll help saying what's wrong

There's one thing you're right about though. This is all about respect. In this case the person clearly put their sentiments into this work which is something you should treat respectfully. Let's recall and see what kind of a help you were....

Kroner -AMV- написал(а):

it's a looooooong way before been competitive, still need to learn the basics, good luck for future projects

Weeeeeellll, not much of a help by dropping a quite discouraging and shallow comment. Thanks for nothing one would usually say in such a case. With your level of expertise you're in a position where the role model function should be used, but instead you sound more like a snob.

Show respect and earn respect, it's as simple as that. You can be highly critical and at the same time convey the feeling of encouragement. Believe it or not.

5) Walking The Wire Laxx | (0 | 3) | 26.03.2019 01:36
Don't get discouraged by the comments.

You captured the sentiment very well. The concept is pretty much on point with the song and your scene choices. It's harmonic, clean and very pleasant to watch. You can sense genuine and in general more sensitivity here than in most of the run-of-the-mill and by the book videos. Job well done, I say.

I mean, there's no need to belittle the work just because it's used for a contest. Nonetheless I get people's point when they think it might not stand out much in a contest, but as always some of you guys still need to learn about tactfulness yet.

6) Conflict Laxx | (0 | 0) | 02.07.2016 19:02
Z0rek написал(а):
ANIME music video news

The word 'anime' is the abbreviated pronunciation of 'animation' in Japanese, where the term references all animation.

In this case it's a different drawer but still at the same desk.

7) John the Hellhound Laxx | (1 | 0) | 06.06.2015 15:56
The song is perfectly depicted. Really great short movie.

8) Spotlight Laxx | (2 | 0) | 03.06.2015 16:56
The whole time while working on the video I indeed was not sure in which category I should put it. But in the end I came to the conclusion that it's more drama than anything else.

It's about the pressure to perform, competition/rivalry, passion and loss. Nobody has to cry or die in a video to make it dramatic. The music itself here is a dramatic composition.

9) Spotlight Laxx | (2 | 0) | 02.05.2015 21:03
(Little) addition to the description:

Working on four minutes with limited source content was the real challenge here. To keep the balance throughout the whole video, I had to make compromises at some points, so that's why instrument sync loses focus now and then.

The other thing is, of course you can't simulate real actions here. The movements you see in the video are not supposed to cause those melodies in the first place, but the art and challenge is to make the viewers believe it. And to achieve this, you have to exaggerate a little bit. It's like watching a movie, everything is fake, but we still accept it most of the time. Just for your information, what you hear in the video, isn't even a violin.

10) Spotlight Laxx | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2015 15:20
pic4arts, Ja, lässt sich drüber streiten. Ich wollte das Konzept halt von vorne bis hinten durchziehen. Charakterprofil wäre vielleicht ein bisschen hektisch und zu kurz gekommen für die ersten zwei Minuten. So habe ich jetzt mein Quartett und Fokus auf alle Charaktere. Ein fliegendes Konzert im Prinzip.

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