
Последние комментарии Kaiichii

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1) Amnesia Kaiichii | (0 | 0) | 08.03.2017 12:27
Lion0608 написал(а):

This is merely the idiom)

Google translator is sucks, why do you expect anything decent from this piece of sheet)?

To say smth more suitable to you direct logic, I just forwarded that the AMV plagiarized Edera in many respects. That is all.

Other - is a Russian folklore, it can't be translated)

I even tried not to plagiarize it, i used many scenes that Elerye didnt use and in another order + my concept was completely different.. Just because the coloration is similar doesnt mean i try to plagiarize, it just fits this anime lol

2) I'm a Dreamer! Kaiichii | (0 | 0) | 24.12.2016 14:12
Pushok написал(а):
Kaiichii, Use Google Translate. This is excellent program for the poor translation, and other trash
Normal clip. I would like a longer, more moments of 2 season and without chloports. Thanks for making)

I forgot that season 2 is airing sooo xD

3) I'm a Dreamer! Kaiichii | (0 | 0) | 23.12.2016 15:29
Thanks for you comments, but i dont speak russian XD

4) Calamity Gift Kaiichii | (0 | 0) | 23.12.2016 15:28
Looks cool, but sometimes CC to strong and little bit boring scenes, but overall its sick :D

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