
Last comments IdiAlex

481) Let's Share Our Pain IdiAlex | (2 | 0) | 10.09.2016 18:28
Ожидал с середины норм динамику, но монтаж остался тем же. Очень много блендинга и хлопортов. Местами совершенно необоснованные эффекты. Ужасные маски
ЗЫ: отличное М/В

482) Yolo IdiAlex | (2 | 3) | 10.09.2016 18:19
Палевно :с
Забавный треш, но ничего больше, 4

483) Warriors IdiAlex | (0 | 0) | 09.09.2016 22:54
Quite primitive work, but not bad for the first time.
P.S. Does it seems bad MV quality only for me?

484) Make It Burn IdiAlex | (0 | 0) | 08.09.2016 23:28
Yep, agree with Armresling. Good work, though it is mainstream. Now try something harder, add CC for example, make better story. You have a space to improve yourself

485) Touch your heart IdiAlex | (1 | 2) | 08.09.2016 23:13
Too much extra motion inside a frame. Feels like you've edited another song

486) Karton IdiAlex | (0 | 0) | 05.09.2016 01:13
pic4arts, So admins watch it before uploading

487) Karton IdiAlex | (0 | 0) | 05.09.2016 01:08
Alea wrote:
it's a great video

Your opinion, don't say it's truth.
Alea wrote:
don't know what the admins thought there

When a person upload his clip on amvnews it automatically appears here and only after 3 days of voting it comes to Main page or persist in exam session

488) Karton IdiAlex | (0 | 1) | 05.09.2016 00:52
Zest wrote:
are meant as a joke

Mb my sense of humor isn't that good)
Zest wrote:
make "sex" something more funny

Very strange point. I'll think about it and tell you my thoughts. Can't think clearly right now (mb we'll chat somhere in skype?)
Zest wrote:
please don`t think i`d cheat my video up

I think so cause videos usually don't have much votes here, in exam session (but yours have).
Zest wrote:
i`m not a some HMV editor

What a pity( xDDD

489) Karton IdiAlex | (0 | 1) | 05.09.2016 00:21
Zest wrote:
could you please give me some feedback?

Sure! I haven't mentioned any bad points but (i think) cheating the evaluation.
Meso said:
MesoGear wrote:
ну, сгодится что бы в каком-нибудь японском секс шопе куртить

в остальном, если субъективно, осадочек мерзкий остается после просмотра, как-то слишком жирно и в целом прямолинейно... пересматривать вообще не тянет, в прочем, я в целом не любитель такого.

It's ok to present it somwhere in japanese sex-shop.
Otherwise, there is some lousy aftertaste, too forthrightly. No wish to rewatch it, but i don't like smth like this.


Donna what Meso didn't like, so I'll tell you my IMHO, ok?

First, awful robo-voice at the very beginning. You made Windows Narrator read this? Sad((
Then, colors. Dim, as for me.
Mememe parody on 0:41? https://pp.vk.me/c626117/v626117871/29d5d/C46gf7uUME4.jpg
and here: https://pp.vk.me/c626117/v626117871/29d67/jwEvQ53ck_g.jpg
Bad lip sync sometimes.
And the theme of your clip. Don't think respectable editor can allow themselves make such a lewd thing.

Zest wrote:
if google translate works right

Very rarely

490) Karton IdiAlex | (1 | 0) | 04.09.2016 23:49
MesoGear, бессовестных надо бить несчадно!!!!

491) Karton IdiAlex | (1 | 4) | 04.09.2016 23:31
Клип явно не на 4.24 (по состоянию на 23:30 04.09.2016 по мск). Или мне кажется, что тут неслабая накрутка голосовалки и оценки?

492) Bis Zum Schluss IdiAlex | (7 | 1) | 16.08.2016 12:53
EVOsvik, ты сам сказал что понял?

493) Bis Zum Schluss IdiAlex | (2 | 6) | 15.08.2016 12:47
Космический клипец!!!
Заслуженная 5))

494) Hypnotic Resonance IdiAlex | (1 | 0) | 11.08.2016 14:44
Совершенно ничего необычного и, как уже сказала Lion0608, не самый лучший клип этого автора. 3

495) The Witchtrip IdiAlex | (3 | 3) | 08.08.2016 23:01
Don't like such clips, but can't say something bad about this one

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