
Последние комментарии HikanAMV

Количество комментариев за все время: 90, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 156 (60.94%)
Отрицательные оценки 100 (39.06%)
Количество положительных комментов 38 (42.22%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 19 (21.11%)
1) Walking The Wire HikanAMV | (0 | 8) | 26.03.2019 15:44
I see naruto I give 1 Idc if the amv is good or bad
1 for using this cringe in 2k19

2) Continuum HikanAMV | (1 | 0) | 26.03.2019 15:43
nice use of templates, u should hook me up with some of later

3) My Lucky Strike HikanAMV | (9 | 4) | 28.01.2019 22:24
an amv about making amv, very typical
and yea ofc typical idea always gonna be with a typical song and typical editing

4) Can't Hold Us HikanAMV | (0 | 1) | 22.12.2018 21:13
ayyy an amv that took u years damn u r a fking god

5) Madoka Magica - Fast Lane HikanAMV | (0 | 6) | 05.12.2018 14:03
2k18 and ppl r still using peulla, typical community

6) Baby HikanAMV | (5 | 5) | 06.10.2018 11:51
like if u agree. aeon is the best studio in the world

7) Pokemonkarten (Pokemon Cards) HikanAMV | (1 | 2) | 23.08.2018 20:43
Idk why this amv has lower score, if it was some crossover drama it would've already hit the four stars
it's a rape rape, or u guys just prefer the gloomy one ?

8) Magical Escape HikanAMV | (2 | 0) | 22.07.2018 15:06

9) Как научиться позитивному мышлению за 90 секунд HikanAMV | (4 | 1) | 31.05.2018 14:16
god. 5 and my full support just like previous year. keep it up the amazing porn job

10) Winter Bird HikanAMV | (1 | 7) | 30.05.2018 14:38
so weak kenji, there is no lesbians, no rape, no bottle gets broken while the same rapist raping a cute little girl. if it wasn't u I would've given u 1. but ye I'm just gonna ignore the vid and once again so weak

11) Beyond Your Bones HikanAMV | (3 | 8) | 27.05.2018 13:45
1st thing first an advice for u, don't ever make a long desc cuz none is going to give a thing about it or even try to read it and yea typical drama with typical gloomy song and effects, next time if u think to make an amv I recommend u to go chill with something else and dont waste ur time cuz none is gonna enjoy the typical stuff

12) RotoS HikanAMV | (2 | 2) | 26.05.2018 16:45
I'm a simple man, I see quality vagina I give 5

13) MY2007 HikanAMV | (4 | 1) | 21.05.2018 22:16
lmaooo in the end, after a 3 motherfking years I got the chance to see a very good amv
u should be very proud of urself u did something not anyone can do
dammmmmmmmmmn those jp texts I fking love u dude
someone link me the channel of this nibba pls, wanna see more of him

14) Beyond HikanAMV | (4 | 1) | 21.05.2018 14:13

15) Danpen 2 HikanAMV | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2018 12:19
(thank you for having let me participate I liked it a lot.)

how much u paid turbo for letting u participate ? the nibba didn't let me to, he said either pay 200 bucks worth of votka or fk off

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