
Последние комментарии Gorz

31) Marvelous Gorz | (13 | 1) | 08.07.2014 01:23
Dark_Death написал(а):
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.

All of this, I understand everyone is free to express their opinions but at-least have a bit of "morals", it's so sad to read these kind of free bashing, and it made me feel bad for the editor, the moderators need to try to make a little more effort to keep this place a bit civilized.

Squall(c) написал(а):
It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback.

No one is expecting 100% positive feedback, but there are a lot of ways to tell how of a trash a video is while keeping your class and the mutual respect you have for this hobby.

32) To Live Is To Die Gorz | (0 | 0) | 13.06.2014 16:38
first time I see a video which perfectly conveys true anger and pure hatred in less than a minute, great job!

33) Fail Parts Gorz | (4 | 1) | 04.06.2014 00:50
Love it! I really do enjoy well synced action video, which is so rare nowadays, and it will be cool if we get another Shades of this year!!

aced написал(а):
Like a 1 man mep . The Evangelion bit is really good, fantastic sync.

agreed! :3

34) Frozen Dreams Gorz | (4 | 1) | 24.05.2014 12:32
This is just the kind of the videos that grows inside you while watching it and you just sit there and admire the author work each time you see a modified scene and you are like oh he changed this and this and you can't help but smile, I liked the the story development so much, even if the ending could be more satisfying but it's okaaay I'm not asking for more. 5! good luck.

35) The Fox Gorz | (2 | 0) | 26.04.2014 12:32
what does the fox say?


36) Molly Gorz | (5 | 1) | 17.04.2014 10:19
Cynep) haha made my morning, thanks Padre definitely better than your last year's submission xD

37) Tomorrow Gorz | (2 | 1) | 13.04.2014 23:04
Thanks for this video!

38) Female Titan Gorz | (3 | 0) | 22.02.2014 01:02
clever plot, awesome music, stylish and nicely edited! I don't ask for more, and I'd like to see more of your videos )

39) Paradox Gorz | (7 | 0) | 22.02.2014 00:36
Thank you for this video man, keep it up!

40) Supplicium Gorz | (0 | 0) | 20.02.2014 17:31

Excellent work girls, and I'm so so proud of you Pride, definitely a Level UP! you are going to kick some serious butt hahaha 5/5

41) Pandora Gorz | (2 | 0) | 23.01.2014 02:26

42) Pandora Gorz | (7 | 0) | 05.01.2014 16:47

43) Faceless Gorz | (0 | 1) | 03.01.2014 20:27
one of the very few ideological and interesting videos in the con so far, ngrfgt OP 5.

44) The Optimists Gorz | (1 | 0) | 02.01.2014 12:22
and this is ladies and gentlemen how you edit One piece, very positive work filled with warm feelings and captured the core essential of why they sail together, good job!

45) Ishvalan Eviction Notice Gorz | (1 | 0) | 31.12.2013 13:55
ahahaha win, this is truly hilarious give this man a medal 5.

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