
Последние комментарии Changelling

61) Crowtime! Changelling | (0 | 0) | 07.04.2015 15:16
.Silver написал(а):
I guess its ok but it gets kinda boring halfway and also random too imo, nothing special tbh I couldn't watch it till the end. 3, gj anyways. it was clean. I just feel like u give urself a big time in the technical side while not rly giving the amv something that makes it.. lets say 'different'

That is a valuable input and I thank you for it, and trust me if I was at a level where I can revolutionize my AMVs I'd definitely be doing so by now.

Thank you all for your comments!

62) The Confrontation Changelling | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2015 01:27
it is not really bad, but in my opinion it was weak, and my reaction when it ended was "that's it?". It would definitely have been better if you used the full song. Nice editing though.

63) The Phoenix Changelling | (0 | 1) | 03.04.2015 01:20
everything could have been better in my opinion.

64) Hellsing: The New Order Changelling | (1 | 0) | 02.04.2015 19:24
very well done

65) Magician Under the Moonlight Changelling | (0 | 0) | 01.04.2015 21:27
Quite good!

66) DreamCall Changelling | (0 | 0) | 29.03.2015 22:51

67) Not of This World Changelling | (2 | 0) | 28.03.2015 00:49
good stuff

68) The Call Changelling | (1 | 0) | 27.03.2015 12:37
It didn't have its moments. The video was average and 1 time watch for me, but I didn't have a bad time watching.

69) Yume Changelling | (2 | 1) | 26.03.2015 22:14
It could have been better in my opinion

70) Ruthless Devotion Changelling | (0 | 0) | 25.03.2015 23:10
Great stuff!

71) Lenore Changelling | (2 | 2) | 22.03.2015 20:00
first video in this contest that I give a 5. Very good!

72) 1000 Words Changelling | (1 | 0) | 14.03.2015 00:54
This is the best thing I have seen in my life

73) America Changelling | (0 | 0) | 06.03.2015 00:36
I love this video as more than just an AMV, its topic is very interesting.

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