
Последние комментарии Changelling

31) Fantastic Anime Machine Changelling | (0 | 0) | 24.02.2016 13:20
Ahaha i love it!

32) Now Or Never 修改版Ver2.1 Changelling | (0 | 1) | 12.02.2016 13:09
This is nice!
What I didn't like were the accelerated clips, and what I thought could have been better were the kind of static compositions (I think static is good at times, but not this time).
Other than that I liked this. Beautifully done!

33) Love Artifact Changelling | (1 | 0) | 06.02.2016 12:48
I would have loved the concept more if the date at the end was made so that only the part where she forgave him and they got back together again was the dream.
Having everything as a dream was lame.

34) Firestorm Changelling | (0 | 0) | 03.02.2016 22:06
my problem here is not with the visuals, they're amazing, but with the video that comes of as very underwhelming compared to the intense song.

35) GEHIRNSTURMEN Changelling | (1 | 2) | 30.12.2015 23:58
Freaking masochists.

36) Nozaki the author of One Piece manga Changelling | (1 | 0) | 27.12.2015 15:13
I find this pretty sweet

37) Human? Changelling | (0 | 0) | 27.10.2015 13:51
Great now I cant get this song out of my head.
This vid is too good.

38) Miracle Changelling | (0 | 0) | 04.10.2015 15:49
O you made a new video O: Nice dude

39) Melancholic Melodies Changelling | (3 | 1) | 29.09.2015 10:36
I find it a little weird for this to be in exam. I like it a lot, the editing is really on spot.

40) Follow My Lead (FML) Changelling | (1 | 0) | 28.09.2015 10:15
It has amazing production value, but I didn't find it entertaining. Aka not my cup of tea.

41) How Green, How Bright, How Wonder Changelling | (0 | 1) | 27.09.2015 05:05
this is crazy good and super entertaining. Man I wish I could sync like you do.

42) No Sympathy Changelling | (1 | 4) | 26.09.2015 15:48
I don't know if people understand how good this is

43) Panic Station Changelling | (1 | 0) | 24.09.2015 18:01
This one is very entertaining. The editing and sync have their great moments.

44) Depression Changelling | (2 | 2) | 23.09.2015 07:18
its beautiful

45) There Will Be Blood Changelling | (1 | 1) | 19.09.2015 09:46
This video has cool moments

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