
Last comments Changelling

46) Figment Changelling | (1 | 0) | 09.09.2015 20:53
Similarities between videos is almost never ignored, and it takes a lot points away because of lack of originality. But if I was to ignore the similarities with Lolligerjoj's videos I'd say this was a nice video and I liked it a lot, but when I miss it I will probably re-watch ITL instead.

47) Idyll Changelling | (3 | 1) | 01.09.2015 17:19
Very nice. I love it

48) Skull Curse Changelling | (3 | 1) | 24.08.2015 14:18
I loved this MEP. Its beautiful.

49) Mind is T(H)orn Changelling | (0 | 0) | 21.08.2015 13:31
I personally was not sure to which category this video belongs so I left it blank, but I trust the moderator's decision.

50) Dreamers Changelling | (4 | 2) | 20.08.2015 02:11
Its a good MEP and I like it.

PS: Criticize a nobody and no one gives a crap. Criticize a big name and everyone loses their mind.

51) Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki Changelling | (4 | 0) | 02.08.2015 01:59
original animation ONLY? these aren't masks?

52) Last words Changelling | (1 | 0) | 28.07.2015 11:20
You focused on the feedback you received last time which is cool dude, and this video is indeed better than the previous one, but there is still much empty space to fill. For next time you can focus on making sense with the clips that you put together, and what I mean is that you shouldn't change settings (time/place) so frequently because I'm getting lost, and in the end I did not understand the concept from the video itself, but rather from your description, which isn't good, unless your artistic point is to make the concept vague and complex, you should work on making it clearer.
PS: Watching other "good" AMVs is a good way to learn, because you will understand the important details that are hard for people like us to put into words.

53) I need a hero Changelling | (1 | 0) | 21.07.2015 11:42
when comparing how the video started and how it ended I find it clear that there was some progression taking place, by that I mean you did a better job with the mood sync than you did in the beginning of your video.
Some tips for the future:
Always try to give a lot of thoughts to matching the tone and mood of the song with the clip that you are placing. Also try to give some thoughts to how long you should leave the same clip playing before cutting it, and where would be a good spot to do that cut and move to another clip.
Keep going dude, always cool to see new faces joining the fandom.

54) Dissidia: Once Upon A Time Changelling | (0 | 0) | 13.07.2015 22:40
The video has potential, but there was a giant "I DON'T HAVE TIME" sign on top of it.

55) F.Y.C Changelling | (0 | 0) | 06.07.2015 12:56

56) John the Hellhound Changelling | (0 | 0) | 06.06.2015 13:21
I expected something around this level when I saw your name in the participants list. Spectacular.

PS: O NOES!111!!! text error in poster cannot be unseen.

57) Unchained Changelling | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2015 18:33
beautiful work

58) "Stack" Changelling | (1 | 0) | 19.04.2015 15:20
I loved the sync and hype. Good vid!

59) Crossing Lines Changelling | (0 | 0) | 17.04.2015 20:08
too nice considering its a 1st amv and a 1st time Video editing in general

60) Shinoburox Changelling | (0 | 0) | 09.04.2015 19:42
I had a pleasant time watching

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