
Последние комментарии Cenit

136) Echo of Life Cenit | (3 | 1) | 12.09.2015 18:34
Didn't the other Okami make this AMV before? And better?

137) Love Hurts Cenit | (0 | 0) | 09.09.2015 16:23
It's rather short don't you think? The synch is nice but there seems to be no point to this. It's like a demo reel. You tried some stuff. You probably had fun doing it which is good. Now proceed and do something worthwhile with everything you learned on this one.

138) Sword of Death Cenit | (0 | 0) | 22.08.2015 13:57
Nice. Decent action synch.

139) Dreamers Cenit | (2 | 4) | 20.08.2015 01:54
All i read is excuses. "We had so little time" - "You can't judge this like other MEPs" - "Cut me some slack this is the only thing you can do in a IC". Wrong. Three days is plenty of time. Enough to make up your mind and come up with something that's equally entertaining and well made. Something that looks like one AMV. Not a scrapheap of different takes.

You CAN pay more attention to the song and not oversynch every part. A MEP made by 5-6 editors can still look like one cohesive AMV. It's all about coordination and how you approach said project. You could also do some smaller teams that work together well. Or you can just say "fuck it" and "everybody do as you please" and get this mess. Your goal in a IC should always be to create the best possible AMV, not how many editors or FX you can cram in. And if just doing a good AMV is so hard to achieve then why is this video here in the first place?

I will not further comment in this thread. But i will give you detailed feedback if you wish so. Just contact me on the org/twitter/youtube or wherever else you can get a hold of me.

140) Dreamers Cenit | (1 | 4) | 19.08.2015 22:58
I didn't realize both MEPs were made for the same IC contest. I apologize for the comment about rehashing bad ideas. This clearly was not your intention and i should have done my research.

However, I still don't like this one. I suppose there is a more ambitious technical approach than in Solicitude. But it shows just as little concept as the other. It's just oversynched and random. There is no central idea behind this. Nothing fits together.

141) Dreamers Cenit | (4 | 10) | 19.08.2015 18:19
Oh look it's that song again. And with the same random approach the last group did. Well there's some badly oversynched FX this time so i guess this was necessary. Wondering which studio will be pick up Butterflies next for their MEP. Maybe i should. Song seems to be grow on people.

142) She Loves That Rock And Roll Cenit | (1 | 0) | 18.08.2015 13:18
First half was great. Second half was mostly good but kinda fell flat. 30 seconds of credits ... not a fan. Still good overall so "Yes"

143) Mad Max - Final Trailer 4 Cenit | (1 | 1) | 17.08.2015 18:34

144) Tribulation Cenit | (0 | 0) | 16.08.2015 11:53
Woah woah this got some great action synch. Solid work m8! 4

145) 1000 Memories Cenit | (0 | 0) | 16.08.2015 11:45
Not gonna lie, this is great. But could have done without the voice over in the beginning. And get rid of all the text. Not reading it anyway.

146) Life of Witches Cenit | (3 | 0) | 16.08.2015 11:41
1 min of random and not even well synched...

147) Do It Cenit | (0 | 0) | 14.08.2015 11:38
The beginning is nice. But overall too short. At least make it 2 min. Like this it looks lazy.

148) Stay Cenit | (2 | 0) | 13.08.2015 13:37
It's okay. Gets interesting in the first chorus but boring afterwards. The frantic cuts really don't suit the footage. Maybe you should try for action instead. 3

149) Awakening Cenit | (0 | 0) | 05.08.2015 14:57
It's like you switched out the song. Nothing seems to be in synch.

150) Nekos & Inus Trailer Cenit | (3 | 0) | 04.08.2015 14:44
Good idea. Great execution! 5

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