
Последние комментарии Cenit

121) Dark Paradise Cenit | (2 | 0) | 01.01.2016 21:50
Looks like you had fun. Which is basically the only reason to do AMVs. But this wasn't really a character profile and more so a fx playground. Which is fine! Not every AMV has to be deep or have a story. The Anime already looks great and you did some nice tweaks to it. Well done. But this told me nothing about the character Fujiko Mine. To me this is a visual piece.

122) GEHIRNSTURMEN Cenit | (2 | 0) | 30.12.2015 19:34
I like this AMV. A lot! This type of video in general.

Also to join in on the fun:


I too suck now (or maybe i always did). And likely my newer AMVs would earn even more disapproval if i cared to upload them here. This community feedback has no value by now. Neither does YouTube or the Org. It's always either massive praise or total dislike. There seems to be no middle ground. Either 1 star or 5+. I think YouTube made the wise choice though in switching to just "like" or "dislike" and then give you the score. It's how people think these days.

But in the end it all comes down to whether you yourself love what you do or not, regardless of what me or other people will say. Gehirnsturmen is an amazing piece of art! I hope you keep doing what you love! Be it AMV or something else. Well done!

123) Company Cenit | (0 | 0) | 29.12.2015 03:00
Interesting experimental AMV. Didn't give me much but nice try. Keep it up!

124) Dragon Ball Heroes Cenit | (0 | 0) | 28.12.2015 03:42
What will you say when your child asks "Why didn't you subscribe to Lima - Peru's channel"?

125) Smile Reborn! Cenit | (1 | 0) | 23.12.2015 03:52

126) Goku 4ever Cenit | (2 | 0) | 09.12.2015 00:58
#NukeLima2015 #NukeLimaFromOrbit #LimaPeruBestMeme #ThePeruvianMemeBandStrikesAgain #IWantToGetOffLimaPerusWildRide

127) Boys'Life Cenit | (1 | 0) | 29.11.2015 21:54
Amazing work! Love it. 5/5

128) Anime meets Grand Theft Auto Cenit | (0 | 0) | 01.10.2015 15:08
It's great! Love it. Got me at the scooter paint job. But damn it i was so waiting for some 6 star action. Where is muh military?!?

129) Wave Cenit | (5 | 3) | 29.09.2015 13:51
Glad to see this on the front page despite all the downvotes in exam. Among the most creative usage of FX in the recent years!

130) LANDKAMPF Cenit | (7 | 0) | 28.09.2015 03:55
Apparently the worst of my AMVs on this site. It's sad that nobody has the guts to say it and where i failed in their eyes. What i take from this is that i as an editor feel no longer welcome here. Please keep enjoying this hobby. So will I. I just wish to never return here. Exam has become truely the worst place for AMV editors to get their Videos judged. For now I can only encourage other AMV editors not to upload their videos to AMV News. Rather wait for Turbo and Minstrel to upload them directly to the frontpage or keep trying. The current rating and feedback from Exam is broken and not worth your time. So long and keep editing!

131) No Sympathy Cenit | (2 | 2) | 26.09.2015 17:20
bravo Enigmo

132) No Sympathy Cenit | (3 | 4) | 26.09.2015 16:47

133) The Revival Of Kaijo Cenit | (2 | 0) | 25.09.2015 19:27
It's great! Well cut. I love it!

134) Wave Cenit | (1 | 0) | 24.09.2015 11:51
Neat idea. Just a bit to short.

135) Shamans Curse Cenit | (0 | 0) | 23.09.2015 12:27
Me Gusta.

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