
Последние комментарии Bean780

31) S-Class Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 02.04.2024 11:23
you did a great job with the transitions everything was seamless.

32) Cyber Warfare Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 02.04.2024 11:17
you did a great job showing the characters rolls while having a very fast pace of action.

33) Die Rote Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2024 10:08
you did such a great job with this ,the transitions were seamless.

34) История Ангела Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 28.07.2023 04:10

35) Broken Hero (Сломленный герой) Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 26.07.2023 01:13
Great job, my first Contest video also had this anime too. you made the relationship work perfectly.

36) Yuria Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 21.06.2023 08:09
you did a amazing job and you followed the beats perfectly. (unlike the actual shuffle opening which wasted the potential for the beats)

37) ALterX Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 21.06.2023 02:48

38) Skyblade Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 21.06.2023 02:43
Junko_June написал(а):
ИМХО, в опенинге не должно быть столько спойлеров... С таким опенингом зритель, ещё не посмотрев первую серию, уже знал бы, чем всё закончится!
А так - симпатично сделано.

I have seen the show and I do not think it spoils it for someone who did not see the show. I mean if you know what to look for you can definitely see the moments but I do not think anyone who has not seen the show could point them out.

39) Utakami Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 21.06.2023 01:02
this is beautiful

40) TopGear Opening Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.06.2023 09:26
a international treasure. (those so much for The one I was planning based on the 1970s one.) The full medal panic Fujimoto top Gear would be funny.

41) Path of Burdenful Remembrance Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.06.2023 09:08
Encruzio написал(а):
Бин как всегда не изменяет своему стилю.

Но очень и очень жалко, что после Glowing Around the Twist я так и не увидел ничего хорошего от автора.


sadly that 'shame' was because over 200 GB of footage got deleted in a wipe. if you look at the list you would see how many shows it took to make that video which were mostly openings I found around the place. (basically I took what I found.) by the time the video is published the wipes already happened. (that video was actually made for The previous year actually I post on the website and unposted it to do edits but did not re-upload in in time for that year's con.) but yes it is definitely one of my highlights and i definitely did work to make sure everything transition nicely.

but i am beginning to collect enough footage to maybe try another multi anime project soon The the reason I chose this style this year is because I want to choose the style I usually use for akross but i have a few ideas.

42) Anime Music Video Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2023 21:54
this is a disaster, which stretches what is even allowed. (The required amount of anime.) I see where you were going but just no. it reminds me actually of 'Dream of a mad fox & Risen404' from akross 2021. I will say the average year has a smaller number of the 'interested in the females' genre. but with the count of this year your video sinks even deeper into the pool and this is not the 'style' we usually go for here.

43) Angel with a shotgun Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2023 21:30
this was great the beginning was a little less 'polished'. but it was a very decent video overall.

44) More To See V Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2023 21:18
iris-am написал(а):
Автор пытался обыграть песню, но тут много ошибок типа посторонних звуков, разного формата аниме, ускорений...для оценочной слабо

yeah there was the pause in one area. The way I made this was using I think Version 3 and cropping and replacing the scenes. why would I do this, this was for a school project in a first year college class (The 'V' in version V stands for the teachers name) and remembered a while back a episode of Gatchaman with a racehorse and that I wanted to also change some stuff. sadly by this point both this song was deleted (even before the wipe for space and confusion of if it ended up in the iTunes forder by mistake do to playing it by accident (which automatic makes a copy in said forder.)) and it was recently after a big wipe and I did not want to missplace where the song began for the pre-existing clips considering they would throw everything off.

so basically I Cut the portion from the version 3 that I was going to replace the footage, i disconnect the song from the footage then I put the new footage and i try to make sure nothing overlaps. but I got a a- on that class so it was successful. But because of that there might be a few sound effects on things that were from the previous clips and that pause around the first "race horse". but so many things improved in this that I did not want to just sit in the shelf waiting to get disappeared in the wipe. so I took off a very sloppy eye graphic (it was a stationary photo) that I put for the 'classroom version' and release it here. (The description above I think I copied from the previous release of a different version.) in an ideal world in which I was using the song 'pre- sound effect' properly queued at the beginning and a complete project file this would be less likely to happen.

45) Fullmetal Alt Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 04.06.2023 04:05
Great you really got the source.

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