
Последние комментарии Bauzi

46) Ashen Leaves Bauzi | (2 | 0) | 03.05.2023 15:22
There are some cuts in the first third of the video that are too harsh and rather disturbing to my viewing experience. It's just a little thing. Other than that: Truely great! Well done.

47) Loneliness Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 03.05.2023 14:25
That worked out pretty good! Well done.

48) KIMI GA HERO Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 03.05.2023 11:30
This is a pretty nice old school blast from the past :D

49) HYPERLUST Bauzi | (2 | 0) | 22.03.2018 20:46
Thx for the promotion. I really appreciate it and I'm thankful for this. If you have any detailed questions about the video: Just ask me ;)

I prefer questions in English, but I will try to understand Russian as good as I can with Google Translate

50) Being A Superstar Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 08.02.2010 18:22
Hey there,

Thanks for uploading my vid and presenting it to the amvnews community. I apprecite it.

I just found out that this video is uploaded here and was surprised to see my video here. Uhm... It's hard to understand all the comments with the lame help of babelfish, but I do feel some sort of controversy and a need to defend my work here.

First of all: Thank you for comparing it to Fade To Blue. I don't like to be compared with other videos, but feels way better to be compared to a great video, because on another amv site this video got mainly compared with Beo's "Dead To The World" part where he uses the same song. It doesn't feel as idiotic.

Fade to blue is a great vid, BUT I have no idea of the actual story because I don't understand russian vocals at all. This whole Stalker theme is not a copy cat work. Actually this video is about the downsides of the life of a superstar and yes stalking is one part of it. This is not a copy cat concept. It got it's origins in the anime, song and my own sick head.

"But there is this website screen look like Fade To Blue". Yes there is and Fade To Blue gave some inspiration for it. I tried my best to not let it look like the famous Fade To Blue look. If you take a deeper look into the website compositing and the anime you'll notice the similarity of the website look that Mina (main character of the anime) visitis. So it's basicaly build on these scenes.

Yeah... that's it from my site and I hope you continue to enjoy the video. Maybe you like my Big Contest entry too, that I'll probably begin to work on in the next minutes.


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