
Последние комментарии Bauzi

16) Fierce Beast Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 01.06.2023 09:24
This is so much confusing and really hard to follow. You obviously have good ideas, in my opinion this is not focused well. There are many scenes that were made just for the sake of it and acutally serve hardly any purpose.

I hope I don't discourage you too much now

17) Die for you Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 27.05.2023 18:26
I think there are some masking effects, where you just don't get the compositing right. The masks, edges, light or colors are just of in many scenes that just don't work together well.

The lipsync part is not fitting in my opinion. I would rather not see it in the video.

Mood, story, atmosphere, ideas, editing.... Just great! Nice work. However the points above keep me from giving this a straight 5.

18) all boys are the same Bauzi | (1 | 1) | 27.05.2023 18:20
I think this is best and most interessting, when you play with effects. I wish that there were way more. They bring in the punk into the video and it's when this AMV is at it's best in my opinion.

19) На краю - Фантазия Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 27.05.2023 18:16
I think this is edited well. Since it's in russian, I can't really tell what's the theme or storyline. Since this is a MEP it has the usual "problems": Why does the start work with so many visual effects that simply disappear towards the end? Why does this and that get more screentime. For me it was confusing to watch first, because I only realized that this was a MEP, when I read the info afterwards. So it had a decline in quality. However as said: I think this is well edited overall. There are just some MEP parts that are visually way stronger than Fairy Tale or Seven Deadly Sins. So this doesn't match too good. I still think this is a fine video though. Well done.

20) Cybersharingan Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 24.05.2023 18:39
Disengager написал(а):
Bauzi, thanks for the extended comment. I couldn't come up with too many interesting ideas with the neural network. Maybe you can do more. It would be interesting to see what other uses for AI the authors can come up with.

altermann, да, гендзюцу.

NewOvermind, прости, брат.

I have the exact same problem: THE IDEAS! When you finally managed to figure out the technical aspect of AI tools a bit, than all there is left is pure original and creative works. Sadly I hit my limit there. It comes down to pure ideas and that can get really hard and exhausting to be honest. I'm a bit relieved to hear, that someone else struggles the same way.

21) Cybersharingan Bauzi | (3 | 0) | 24.05.2023 09:52
This struggles. Some parts are akwards in syncing. It looks a bit cumbersomb and not wilingful akwards. So these parts lack the certain charme and interest to me since they look stale and repetitive.

Those AI parts work great to the music. However, as it's often the case, I don't know how many scenes actually desolve into irrelevance. Maybe have a look into Deforum were you get good control on where the journey flows to. I think the parts really shine, when you pick up the Sharingang and mix and morph it while remaining the general shape.

I'm working on an AI AMV since winter and this has some problems that I have to: How to integrate the scenes with the rest of the video well? Some parts simply don't match with the look.

The title and the thumbnail is a bit missleading to me. I thought this will get more cyber to be honest.

Lot's of parts are great and original. It's a good work and congratulations to pulling it off! 4/5 I see this as good prototype for future works. You probably know your tools now and know what's possible and what is not. This is a video that will probably not stand the test of time. Whatever... It doesn't have to do so. It's certainly a landmark, that I will share and spread for sure.

Also take a look into Controlnet inside Stable Diffussion. This might have been really helpful to get into more control of things.

22) Like Father, Like Son Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 23.05.2023 11:46
Well made story/character profile. Thumbs up.

23) Eternal Vespers Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 23.05.2023 11:41
Don't get mad at me. Personal opinion after all. Please keep that in mind. This feels quite unfocused to me and it never decided in what directions it goes.

The first shot (at least) looks to be FX and compositing heavy. This is not the case after some time and you often rely on vanilla colors and end credit scenes. So you lead me into a wron expectation.

Your sound design is here and there. However you focus on sound, than you solemn focus on music again. So what is it? And the sound design can't decide on what to put to the actual front: The music or the fx. You could have put the volume of the other elemnt down more to stay in focus. Also the way you sync video switches here and there.

Next... The song. It can't decide what it wants to be. This might not matter for the song itself, but it does matter for the music video as whole.

So what I see is an unfocused video, that never really decideds what it wants to do as a whole. You leave me as a viewer in an unease position most of the time.

Oh and the original quotes: Those feel like sound effects to me, because you didn't provide subtitles.

Again: This might come all down to personal taste, but just think about it and you might reconsider some stuff next time.

24) Samantha Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 23.05.2023 11:29
This is nothing too special, but honestly this doesn't need more to work out good and I like it. I give it a 4/5, because I don't understand the lyrics. This could be a 5 depending on how well they fit in. However others need to judge it by this.

25) HIT IN TNE USA Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 19.05.2023 11:22
I don't like the shakes in the beginning and your text in the intro is really not good to read and that's bad when you give so less time to actually read it.

The rest is a good video. I think a shorter Guitar Hero part would have been better. The joke doesn't not need that much screen time to work.

26) Blender of Hearts Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 19.05.2023 11:14
00:14 there is a audio miscut. The sound quality of your outro is horrible. You can really hear the bad compression.

I like the pictures, the effects, the scenery and all. Personally I'm not sure if it's pace is not off at the chorus parts. The beats of the music get really loud and present and it feels like you stay on your same level of pace and simply ignore it. This might come down to personal taste. It's not completly bad, others might see it different, but for me it didn't feel 100% right. It's like you synced on less prominent peaces of the song. Keep in mind that this could heavily depend on what sound system you edited: Crappy laptop speakers, good speakers, good headphones or whatever. I listened to it on enthusiast level beyerdynamics headphones.

27) Path of Burdenful Remembrance Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 19.05.2023 11:03
After 00:46 I stopped viewing.

Stop being so hectic! Your video is so much stress to watch. The sound effects are really disturbing. The fast cuts are really unpleasing. This is just not fitting to this song. You've built up quite a nice pace and atmosphere and than you destroy it with that sound effect. Now ask yourself: Why for? What does it serve? Nothing at all.

You need to calm down and focus on the essentials.

28) A World full of destinies Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 19.05.2023 10:58
I think your opening is very strong and really good, but this falls off at about the second half. It doesn't feel that well thought out in the editing. The first half is excellent.

Personally I would stay away from the obvious frame morphing effects. Those just scene don't look that good and I think they might work out better without morphing.

Those dark scenes are not fitting as good. Like the running scenes of Promised Neverland. Why is it even there in the first place? It gets quite a lot of space in the video. At least brighten them up and make them more vivid in colour to fit in better.

Also I think that letterboxing is the wrong choice. Just zoom in and let them disapear for a even smoother viewing experience.

29) KillStreak Bauzi | (1 | 1) | 19.05.2023 10:51
Your audio sounds damaged at a certain frequency or musical instrument to me. It's "shimmering" to me. It's a bit like sound cliping. Which is kinda strange, since the rest sounds okay.

This gets down to personal taste: I just don't like the song or it's simply a bad choice to me and doesn't fit the source. I can't connect to the video or the sync doesn't work. However you certainly do and try to sync in various ways. I blame the song to this

30) The Chase of Time Together Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 19.05.2023 10:47
Your intro is just bad. There is no way to say something good about it. The pictures are irrelevant to me. The font is bad to read. The audiocut is bad. The picture composition is awfuk. Sry to say it, but the video would be better of without it

Many parts of the rest is alright to me. It serves as an alternate opening and it does. Things that don't work out are the insertion of the 3D transformation scenes. Those are just not fitting and are quite hectic and disturbing. The weakest parts are, when you try to sync up audio with fast cuts. That just doesn't fit to the rest of the video. You are going for a fake intro for Sailor Moon. Such things would certainly not be in it.

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