
Last comments Bauzi

31) Northern Lights Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 16.05.2023 09:29
Thank you for the making of pictures. I hardly noticed any of your temperings and that means it's well crafted.

As someone who has not seen the original anime, I can't make out a story. I hope all your work was still worth it.

32) Mundane Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 09:26
NIGHT wrote:
This AMV would be PERFECT, if the author had not used a single scene with "blood, etc." during its making.
These 4 scenes spoiled the impression for me - 01:26, 01:28-01:30 (it is also), 01:33-01:35, 01:37 -__-

I totally agree with you on this. I tried to do it without violence and blood, but in the end those scene were just way more visually pleasing and satisfying to me. The alternatives that I found, where not that great. Originally I wanted this to be a "You only know, if you saw the anime" kind of thing. Although I like that the final result. I only saw the anime so far and Makima is such a wicked, creeping, corupting, menacing character that has something really odd and wrong to it. That's a fealing that I wanted to include. This looming presence, that looks and speaks nice and probably will be (I guess) the most fucked up person in the whole series.

Thank you everybody for your comments and input. This is very much appreciated.

Спасибо всем за ваши комментарии и вклад. Это очень ценится. (Translated with CHAT-GPT)

33) APEXX Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 01:00
mmmm... I really like your edits in the second half. However your sound design lacks impact to me. Music volume often stays the same and it's so mixed. Your sound work never decidedes, if it wants to be more on the sound effects or music. Hardly anything has punctuation to it. Your sound breaks actually sound cumbersound and don't crank up my attention as it should.

Maybe take your time and play with the euqalizer. Try things like boosting up the bass frequencies. There is a trick for productions. You look at the frequencies of your voices and sounds. Than you lower those frequencies with an EQ effect in your song. This way your song is still loud, but your sound effects are easier to listen and have more OOOMPH to them.

34) This Guy Are Back Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 00:52
I do like the intro, but I don't think it fits to the rest of the video. It feels unrelated. So does the outro. To me they are more of a disturbance.

The rest of the video is alright.

35) Isekay Flash Mob Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 00:48
I feel trolled by the title. You name it "Isekay Flash mob" and than you start out with One Piece? and isn't it spelled "Isekai"? I bet most animes aren't even Isekai genre here. So your title primes my viewing expectations quite wrong.

OK so this is a simple dance fun music video. Fine. I have no problem with that, that's nice. I feel like you ran out of scenes at about the half of the video. Some scenes feel like a repetition. Personally I would cut that song down to 50%, only take the best scenes and tighten up the sync to get out more what I've got.

Are the lyrics really that important to make captions to them?

36) Infinity's End Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 00:40
This is like watching a Transformers movie. Too much motion, close ups, strobes, motion blur and than you pair the scenes at almost random. If you like it: Great! I really can't follow this grind of action scenes full of motion. I suggest you ask yourself on how much other people shall be able to follow these fast scenes It's a bit sad too me, because it looks like you put some good thought into your montage of scenes and how you glue them together with motion and effects. However this is way too fast, if you ask me.

37) Northern Lights Bauzi | (3 | 0) | 16.05.2023 00:34
I like the video, but I got tired of the visual look at the first chorus. What looked like well thought out turned out at the chorus to be something general that just got slapped over most scenes. It doesn't feel that thought out anymore. Many scenes are quite dark greyish and almost flat. So personally I would prefer something more vivid and lifefull after some time.

This might come down to personal taste and preferences, but I give this 4 stars because of that.

38) Syntax Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 16.05.2023 00:29
Pretty cool to watch. Well done!

39) 継承 Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 11.05.2023 00:22
On one hand you match the flow and speed of the song really well on the other hand: Your match cuts and cool effect scenes get not enough actual screen time to often matter. I suggest to lower cut frequency by 25% or more here.

Also: You spend so much time on really good effects, however bad video compression waters down your overall impact. I highly recommend to go full on quality for this. Your video will be easier to follow for the eyes as well and maybe that cut frequency would turn out better with your matchcuts. I still think it's a good video though.
Also: Many cuts and how you went after match cuts, reminded me of Silk's "Rider's Joy" AMV. It might be for your likeing:

40) my deaer Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 11.05.2023 00:14
I think you need to move over sooner and draw the line to show once and for all: This is a joke video, don't take it serious. Or you keep me guessing for too long, if this is just a bad taste video.

41) SCREAM Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 11.05.2023 00:12
I think it was not a good idea to feature Yor this often. It is confusing. Before I acutally know that this is a fairly random MEP, I'm drawn to look for a storyline or common theme. Leting Yor come up again after the intro like at 0:44 just adds confusion to me and actually is in conflict with the all random pretty pictures project.

All in all this is a good video, but that really bugged me. Is the "Lone Digger"-Club a Caravan Palace easter egg?

42) After Dark Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 10.05.2023 23:43
I don't know what you actually gain by pairing the two anime together. Their colors and style of Terror in Ressonance often feels of to me. The bright moody colours of the intro scenes, don't mix too well with the song for me. Unless you are going for some sort of special melancholy vibe with them. However the Chainsaw Man scenes go with them in a different way, so I'm torn at the end

Editing and flow work quite well, but I think one anime would have been the better choice here. I think both anime would have enough suiting scenes for a 2 minute cut of the song.

43) Angel with a shotgun Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 10.05.2023 23:35
I think it's pretty cool and I like that you were able to integrate the overlay effects in a well fitting none cheesy way.

44) Brave Shine Bauzi | (1 | 0) | 03.05.2023 18:51
I have no idea what the f is going on. Your story is so confusing and so hard to follow. I have to admit, that I only saw Attack on Titan, but I guess it's not required to have seen Galactic Heroes?

I can only suggest to break this down into less scenes, that are easier to follow. Don't forget, that I, as a viewer, need to know right at the start: This is a mashup ficitonal story. Or otherwise I will be confused for a good part of the video until I figured that out. On a positive note: That actually means that you have quite good compositional work here!

A lot of the sound effects are really distracting and serve no purpose at all. Why do I need to hear the sound of the wolfs/dogs walking away? What's the point? My mind is already busy to keep up with the story and I'm thankful for no additional distractions.

The texture you put over the video is hit and miss. Since you never change anything about it, it has a high pressence. I suggest you rotate it from scene to scene, move it or whatever. Just change it from time to time! Even better: move it with the camera of the scenes and make it a vital connected part of them.

A lot of the video is well made, but I think the storytelling is the weakest part here. Sorry

45) Sway Bauzi | (0 | 0) | 03.05.2023 18:41
I don't know and this might come to personal preference. Your frame interpolation is really good in the great majority of scenes, but I just don't really enjoy the look of it here. A lot of parts just feel too speed up and hectic. The frame interpolation give the whole video an unfitting artifical hasty look. Well I personally would prefer a standard fps version of this.

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