
Последние комментарии AlexxAMV

31) Evermore AlexxAMV | (1 | 0) | 25.07.2013 21:13
yes,,,its nice

32) Break Me AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 25.07.2013 21:11
nice vid

33) Parallel AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 23.07.2013 15:05

34) Hail AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 22.07.2013 08:35

35) The Downfall AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 22.07.2013 08:34

36) DOSвиданья AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 20.07.2013 23:32
sorry ..does not compute...

37) Shroud of False AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 20.07.2013 23:29
Video ... (just because i wanted to last some more) 4+ and FOR

38) Pain - Death of Me AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 19.07.2013 23:33
peyzman написал(а):
And here I thought my AMV was the worst on this website. lol

im sorry... : if i am to comment based on my tastes:
1. Source is rather..failed (originality close to imposible to achieve with it,just overused transitions etc.)
2. Quite bad sync..rather low on impact where it should be ... maybe follow the beats wuth more care.
3. Generally AMV has no concept..random battle described in video... not necesarly a story...but try following a principle in the whole video...not randomly toss *epic-naruto kicks*
4. Should be more stylish..even if random


39) LoveStruck AlexxAMV | (1 | 0) | 18.07.2013 23:55
quite the amount of original items......rather skillfully used...no more than 5...no less than 5

40) DreamFly AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 18.07.2013 09:48
Here's the reply a friend indirectly suggested, i find it rather refreshing : http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/obama-wins-reelection-memes.jpg
Thanks for the constructive troll...eeerm...sugestions....glad u bothered with it...trully XD
EnjoyTheGame написал(а):
It seems so stupid I did not get the meaning? Or is it there and just do not have and I'm not stupid and cut and pasted from the bulldozer music, where the two sound and sometimes put in a couple of notes of something and trying to sing a stutterer

41) Desde mi Cielo (From my Heaven) extended AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 18.07.2013 08:59
it aint that much of a big deal actually
TheShadowMV написал(а):
How does this person with cancer in nero team?

42) Our Promises AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 17.07.2013 18:30
rather classic Full Metal Alchemis edit...not fantastic..not bad also..was an IC tho....not that i can do it better...just saying as an addicted AMV watcher...4 and probably FOR

43) DreamFly AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 17.07.2013 18:02
well we learning..but glad u apparently can get good...harsh or not..good points are mostly submitted...and hope that will help the two of us improve...thanks for the comments

44) Te Gusta Me? AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 16.07.2013 15:13
funny thing

45) Abduction AlexxAMV | (0 | 0) | 16.07.2013 13:15
nice one

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