
Last comments AdventLostKaichou

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Количество положительных комментов 5 (71.43%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) Convey AdventLostKaichou | (0 | 0) | 07.03.2015 23:52
I think the strongest thing this video had going for it was the emotion. You did a good job nailing it. On the other hand, the song itself is kind of boring, and I feel like it didn't give you the chance to properly shine editing-wise. Slow videos are alright, but this was a full video -- it should have picked up at SOME point. If you had to cut the song for time constraints and thus had the high-impact parts cut out, that would have been more understandable, but as it is the song choice did your video a huge disservice. The editing was solid and I can tell you put a lot of thought into your scene choices...I just feel the song shot you in the foot.

2) Animus Project AdventLostKaichou | (1 | 0) | 07.03.2015 23:44
Very ambitious! LOVING the concept, it's very unique. Some of your transitions (usually the masked ones) are a little jagged, but otherwise your editing is smooth and easy to follow conceptually. I usually have a hard time watching crossover videos all the way through, but this one I didn't have a problem with. You should be proud. If I were to nitpick some of the more pumped parts of the song weren't met with the kind of energetic editing I feel they deserved, but you kept the flow going pretty well through the video so it's a minor issue to me.

3) Verity AdventLostKaichou | (2 | 0) | 07.03.2015 23:37
Good work on the crossover! I'm picky about those because usually they aren't done very well, but this one was solid so kudos to you for it! I think some of your color effects were a bit too strong/much, but that is my biggest complaint for the video. Your editing was very smooth and the flow was nice; all around it was pleasant to watch. Probably my favorite entry so far Keep it up for the future!

4) Sword Up AdventLostKaichou | (2 | 1) | 07.03.2015 08:52
Hmmmm... I definitely see what you were going for, but the impact/energy kind of falls short for a video that's listed purely as Action. There was definitely enough Drama in there to justify adding that label, too. You hit beats pretty well and you shone the best when you were editing straight-up action, but during the slower parts I do feel like you relied too much on effects put onto static scenes that lasted awhile. It lost a lot of the energy you had built up so well during the more action-packed bits that came before it, which is a shame because the song is super pumped-up. As a result, the video itself is great...I just don't think it meshes well with the song you picked due to the way you edited it. Still, though, the editing is solid and deserves praise.

5) Bright game AdventLostKaichou | (1 | 0) | 07.03.2015 08:46
The atmosphere was definitely what I enjoyed the most in this video. I felt like the flow was off in some places, and some of the zoom transitions were too strong for how many straight-up hard cuts there were (it jarred the flow, if you will). But the emotion was DEFINITELY there, and that's what most important for a video like this, so job well done!

6) Beat Alive AdventLostKaichou | (1 | 0) | 07.03.2015 08:40
I don't really like Upbeat videos at all, especially ones that mix many different anime together. Even so, I tried to look past that as much as I can, because otherwise any commentary I leave won't be fair to you, as the creator.

Firstly, I'd like to note that I did dig the color you had going on in the video -- they were pleasant to the eye and didn't grate on me, which I appreciated. Your flow was usually smooth -- it was usually interrupted when you did mask transitions, but that's something that can be fixed with more practice. In some parts I felt too much was going on at once, which made it difficult to follow what was happening in the scene.

Also while this is listed as a dance video, there are times where it switched over to being more of an action video (lots of fight scenes) so maybe putting it in both categories would have given me a more clear idea of what to expect from the video. I think my biggest critique would be that you seem to have lost the energy of the music in several places throughout the video, which made it hard for me to keep watching to the end.

I still think you did pretty well, especially on the technical side of editing -- some polishing on some of your mask transitions wouldn't be remiss, but other than that it was nicely done. For future projects working on your flow/maintaining energy would be a good goal to set. Please continue to make more in the future, ESPECIALLY since you've only been editing for 9 months!

7) America AdventLostKaichou | (0 | 0) | 07.03.2015 08:21
Overall, a nice job! I'd nitpick some scene choices (overused scenes like Yoko's bit in the beginning, for example, and in other places the scene choices seem slightly random) and some of the effects (it flashes a bit too much at parts, and in other parts the overlay comes off as too strong). All that aside, a solid effort. I think the best part of the video is definitely its theme -- a nice, unique concept that was well-executed. You should be proud!

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