
Последние комментарии AMV Strat

16) Restless Mind AMV Strat | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2017 15:48
Very good choice. The beginning of the songs fits naturally with retrowave music, that provides a proyection of blue/pink/purple colors in a night mode, but not only that, also typography like 0:07, and the arcade point. After that, the song starts and focus into another narrative point, but mostly focused in sync and technic.

I think it lost the power in some points but this doesn't mean I couldn't enjoy it. A pleasure to watch. I hope you can make it better next time for sure, you have a good eye.
5 and Fav

17) The Trance Condition AMV Strat | (2 | 0) | 08.05.2017 20:21

18) Yakitate AMV Strat | (1 | 0) | 08.05.2017 20:12
Amazing combo

19) Sunlight AMV Strat | (2 | 0) | 07.05.2017 14:04
Awesome clip!! Maybe I'm wrong but for sure you're interested in how people catch the intention you wanted to transmit. What I understood with the purpose of the video is to remove our souls and forget the fear that prevents us from building a reality we will be happy with ourselves. You did, still working on it tho, and wasn't easier, but totally worth, so in a sentence would be something like "what are you waiting for?" or "dream big".
About the video, I don't know what else can I say, I'm sure you know already all =) Was a pleasure to watch it and rewatch it

20) The Mark on the Wall AMV Strat | (6 | 2) | 01.05.2017 11:05
Very nice idea, with creative moments. Unfortunately bad execution, but at least I could see your intentions

21) Valkyrie AMV Strat | (1 | 0) | 29.04.2017 11:44
Good work since beginning, impressed it was for an IC

22) Dead to Me AMV Strat | (6 | 0) | 25.04.2017 10:51
I liked all except spins/camera movements and overlays
Oh wait...
PD: Now seriously, you have to understand that overusing some effects without being justified in the video show to viewers the poverty of the clip, well at least I hope you have fun, that's important, you guys will get better and better with practice, don't give up!

23) Kitchen Fire AMV Strat | (0 | 0) | 18.04.2017 13:13
Why kitchen anime series are so spfdikaoishfoasihfoiasfjsa

24) AFFECTION AMV Strat | (2 | 1) | 08.04.2017 20:49
Fresh, cool, I enjoyed it a lot !

25) Paranoia AMV Strat | (0 | 1) | 22.03.2017 11:28

Denn написал(а):
Technically good, but storytelling.... Without your description everything in amv have no sense.

Maybe it's my fault but i don't understand what happend in the end.

For exam it's definitely 5 but i hope next time storytelling would be better. Thx for vid.

Thanks for the honest opinion, I don't think it's your fault and storytelling can be improved =)

26) 漫画家桐人—我只想讲一个关于梦想的故事 AMV Strat | (3 | 2) | 22.02.2017 00:23
I just can put 5/5, I'm sorry

27) OnIrIcA AMV Strat | (3 | 3) | 11.01.2017 15:49

28) Dance is MOVE AMV Strat | (1 | 1) | 31.08.2016 14:13
It was very very enjoyable first time I watched it, and still like a lot! very good job!

29) DeadLine AMV Strat | (2 | 4) | 20.08.2016 16:50
I liked it so much!! O.O very good work Toya, this is a good level up! Good luck!

30) Not So Generic Disappointed Anime Girl Music Video AMV Strat | (1 | 0) | 15.05.2016 02:05
10/10 would bang

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